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What Have I Been Up To?

Okay so sorry I have been kinda out of it lately. I have been so busy, tired, frustrated, lonely, and apathetic. Here is what has happened in the past month:

1) My grandma bought me a new double stroller – Peg Pergo Azia Twin. Love it! And I love my grandma! (don’t worry I will review it as soon as it is nice enough for me to use it!)

2) Had a buyer and contract on our house and made an offer on the house of our dreams. Then we lost our buyers and had the house we loved doesn’t want to negotiate until we have a contract. (I will never ever buy or sell a house again after we finally get out of this one! Between all the mortgages, 2nd mortgages, refiances, and home closings – I am done!)

3) Got a new laptop! It is a 13″ Mac Book and I love it! We now have a Mac desktop and laptop, so yeah no more blue screen of death Windows anymore! (I will post a picture soon! My camera has been being repaired by Best Buy for 16 days now, but whose counting!)

4) To mention again, my camera broke because Aidan kept pushing the button and got the lense stuck open. It is driving me crazy to not have a camera because there has been so many camera moments and the cheap one I borrowed from my mom is just not the same.

5) I have read all 4 Twilight books (and the 5th one off the Stephenie Meyer website) twice! Yes I am addicted to the Twilight Saga. Now I am not a romance reader nor do I like vampires, but there is something about the Twilight books that has sucked me in and I can read these books over and over and I have seen the movie a million times. (Oh and the books are not short, they are like 500 pages. No I don’t know where I have found the time to read them, but I manage to squeeze pages in here and there and I don’t sleep!)

6) I got my hair cut and colored. I went to Hair Cuttery because my usual stylist was on vacation and I was desperate for something quick and cheap, and that was exactly what Hair Cuttery was. I was far from impressed and for the price I could have went somewhere a little nicer. I wanted to go back and ask the girl to fix it, but I didn’t have time to have her redo it and I figured if she couldn’t get it right the first time what would make her get it right the second time. (I showed her a picture of myself from last year and said I wanted my hair like that and it looked nothing like it!) It is not so bad now, but it was not worth the money I paid.

7) My 10 month started furniture walking and now chases my 27 month old everywhere. They have kept me busy!

8) We have had a lot of showings for our house so I am constantly vacumming, mopping, picking up and hiding toys from sight, and living without items that get in the way for showings so we have put in the garage for now. (Like my sons excersaucer, my blender, mixer, and so forth)

9) I took my sister to see Hannah Montana The Movie and let me say that I can now sing all the Hannah Montana songs.

10) I have really been trying to advertise my blog and work with companies to get some great giveaways going. I have been slacking and behind in my email, but I am trying and slowly it is coming along!

So here was 10 things that made up the last month for me and kept me busy. I will post pictures and reviews soon, just let me catch up!


View Comments

  • Wow, that is a lot going on! I can completely relate to the Selling and Buying a house thing! We are in the same boat and also lost a contract/buyer on our house. It's a stressful and busy time. Keeping up with all the showings is near impossible! I feel for ya!


  • hey share our kids are very close in age. Veronica is 30 months and Gregory is 8 months. also I can't wait for your review for the stroller, I'm currently looking and this will be helpful. Thanks


  • phew you sound busy mama! I can sure relate. we're trying to sell our house too and it's mixed blessing/curse. Either we get no showings and we're stressing or we get too many showings and then we're really stressing cause we really let the house go! YI

    Lucky you with the stroller. That's wonderful. Have fun chasing your babies! :)

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