Categories: Spark

Toys, Toys, Everywhere Toys!

Okay so honestly my boys have more toys than they know what to do with.  I think every room in our house has at least one toy in it, including the bathrooms!  Cars, blocks, legos, balls, they are everywhere!  So no I really don’t spoil them, but my family and friends are very generous when it comes to holidays and when Aidan was younger I went crazy at garage sales for toys for him.  So not only are we bombarded with all the garage sale finds I purchased, but then we have all the gifts they get.

One thing I have noticed though is that most of our toys are fun of course, but I don’t know that I would classify them as Educational kids toys.  I do suppose though that any toy can be educational in the sense that they allow creativity, dexterity, patience, fine motor skills and such.  (These are just some of the words I have heard to describe toys my boys own.)  I think the problem we have is that my boys don’t play with them in an educational way.  I let them “free play” more than I sit there and play with them.  For example, I know I should show them more how to sort their toys into colors, sizes, and shapes.  Or how to build buildings and bridges with their toys.  We do love puzzles and both my boys are surprisingly good at them too!

We also have tons of toys that say or show the alphabet but I am not sure my boys really understand yet what that is.  So that is another thing I need to work on with them, especially since neither of my sons are talking yet.  Oh and finally, books luckily are finally a hit in our house.  They started out as frisbees and finally my boys let us read to them.  My youngest actually brings piles of books to be read to him!

Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post.  Please see my disclosure policy.


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  • Any toy can become an educational toy, it all depends on what the kids (and parents) do with them. In the first years, I'd say to let them play as they want, then, from time to time, you can give a few directions or challenges that would make their games more educational. I used to play with my son when he was a child, but in his first years, I let him do whatever he wanted, and from time to time, I used to make suggestions... What if the car would go there and stop there? How about making a garden with the Legos? And do son... I'm not for having a head full of stuff, but more for a head that is well done...
    .-= Holly Day´s last blog ..Best Strawberry Shortcake Games updated Thu May 20 2010 4:38 pm CDT =-.

  • Your children can start learning letters and words even before they are old enough to talk. Have you ever read the info on Your Baby Can Read program. If you start showing them the letters you have and saying the letters to them every day, maybe five letters a day for several days before adding in a few more and then repeating the process, they'll have those letters down probably before they start talking. You could tell them the letter and then make the long and short sounds of them too.

  • Oh I remember those days! My youngest is 10 and we just started weeding out the toys really about 4 years ago...we are ready for a HUGE purge again. My kids have a hard time giving up books...they hold such memories, but they do no good sitting in bins! Educational toys? My kids whizzed through them and then got bored...they loved the toys that they could be creative with best...OR the box the toys came in! LOL!

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