Categories: Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: My #Blogher10 Swag!

Here are some pictures I took of the sections so I can actually see and remember the products and companies!


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    How did you fit that all into your suitcase!?!? Or did you ship it?
    I think I got about 1/4 of what you got. LOL

    • I actually had to ship three 20 lb. boxes via UPS and I had a whole suitcase filled! I could have gotten more but I dropped off a lot at the swag room there.

  • Girl, and I thought my swag pile was big (had to ship 4 boxes!), but yours is huge! LOL It took me a good hour or more to find places for all of it in my house.:)LOL Wow! You definitely made out. I'm def going to San Diego; Blogher has provided so many great contacts. I can't wait to go again!:)

    • I gave a bunch to my neighbor for watching my house and bringing in my mounds of mail and packages! I also am saving some for Christmas, the rest is in a undetermined bag right now!

  • Wowzah! I am so sad I couldn't go this year (35 weeks along now, not really travel-ready!)... I am so there next year! But, please, tell me about those JEANS! Oh, and all the rest of the stuff, too!

    • The jeans are from Miraclebody. I will be doing a review (and hopefully giveaway) but I will be awhile since I am booked now.

  • I am getting my tickets next month - have to wait for a babysitting check:) I can't wait!! It will be my first!!

    • You already bought your tickets! I am waiting until closer to Christmas and that will be my Christmas present.

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