Categories: BabyNew Moms

Here I Go Again…

So two days before Christmas I took an at-home pregnancy test, two to be exact!  It came out positive right away.  To say I was surprised would be an understatement.  The first week of November I had been diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on pills.  My gynecologist actually noticed it at my annual check up. Now I will admit I did miss a few birth control pills in October and September, but also my primary care doctor did tell me he wanted me to come off birth control pills while I tried out the high blood pressure pills.  He said the estrogen in the pills could be affecting my blood pressure.  So sometime between missing pills and coming off them for high blood pressure pills, I got pregnant.  My husband and I used to joke that if my husband looked at me, I would get pregnant!  I had no trouble getting pregnant with my first two and all it takes me for is coming off birth control for just the slightest bit.

So rather than telling my husband right away, I wrapped up the pregnancy test and had it open it two days later on Christmas morning.  He was even more shocked than I was, but happy.  We wanted more children, just we were thinking in a few years when my boys were in full time school.  We decided to keep it just between us until I could go to the doctor and confirm it.  So all the holiday visits with our families we kept our secret, and honestly it was nice to have this just between us.  One you tell family, it seems like there are questions and more to deal with, so it was nice to soak it in and talk just to my husband about it.

So I called my doctor and gave her the date of my last period, which I am absolutely sure of.  My doctor’s office said they didn’t want me to come in until I was at least 8 weeks pregnant and the soonest I could get it was when I would have been 9 weeks pregnant.  At my appointment she did an ultrasound and said I was much farther along than I thought, she measured me at 13 weeks already!  So I was a month farther along than I thought, I had actually skipped my whole first trimester and not even known it!  I then went back the next day for another ultrasound with a specialized technician to confirm my date and she agreed I was 13 weeks.

Now since my first son has a heart defect (tetraology of fallot) and then my second son was born with a VSD that luckily closed up, I am considered high risk.  I also have the high blood pressure issue (150s/90) and I had elevated protein levels in my urine.  I know sorry if that was Too Much Information.

So far I have only had one official doctor’s appointment with my OB because of me being farther along than I expected.  I have though had two ultrasounds at my doctor’s office and then one more ultrasound at the hospital for my High Risk Consultation.  At that appointment they just took a bunch of measurements of the baby’s organs and everything so they have a starting point with me.  I am sure I am in for lots more ultrasounds and tests and I will keep you updated as I learn more.

So my official due date is July 20, 2011.  Not that I expect the baby on that day – both my boys were early.  I feel unprepared for this baby, but I think it is just because it hasn’t soaked in yet.  I am definitely showing though, as currently I am already 16 weeks!  I am also heading to Disney World for the Social Media Moms Conference in March (5 months pregnant) so that will be interesting too!


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