Here is a list of some of my favorite Twitter application sites. All Free!
unTweeps – This program searches your Twitter followers for people that have been inactive for X amount of days. I usually do 60 days and remove those people. I was amazed my first time at how many inactive people I was following! – This program checks your recent unfollowers. Then you can easily unfollow them back or call them out on Twitter! I use this to see who unfollowed me and sometimes I realize it was probably because I wasn’t following them back so I start following them and the person usually comes back to follow me.
tweet grid – Great for watching multiple hastags and twitter users for Twitter parties.
Friend or Follow – This program checks who’s not following you back on Twitter, who are you not following back and who are your mutual friends?
my Tweet Space – Some free Twitter backgrounds, buttons, and a cheap Twitter customizable background. I haven’t purchased a customizable background yet but it’s on my list!
I know there are tons of Twitter programs out there, what are some of your favorites?
Terra Heck says
Thanks for posting about UnTweeps. I just did it and unfollowed over 150 people due to their inactivity. Helps keep the list cleaned up.
blueviolet says
I use twunfollow which notifies me every time someone unfollows me. Then I can see if it’s someone I should have been following. If I was already following and they unfollowed me, I simply return the favor. 😉