In the Pilot Episode of “The Big Bang Theory” (which aired this past Monday), Leonard met Penny and immediately fell for her. Leonard’s roommates say Penny is an unattainable goal, but Leonard does not give up. He decides to confront Penny’s much larger and stronger ex-boyfriend, resulting in him getting de-pantsed.
Thinking of Leonard and love, I definitely can relate with some embarrassing moments of my own. One moment that comes to mind is actually a date my husband and I went on in the beginning of our relationship. We went out with a few friends to a bar downtown Chicago and I wanted to show off that I could keep up with his drinking. I was doing pretty good, until it hit me. I ended up in the bathroom puking cranberry vodka everywhere and one of his friends (a guy) actually came in the women’s bathroom and carried me out! I have no clue why my husband didn’t but then again he was pretty drunk too. He was actually so drunk that he fell asleep on the train ride to his parents house. Since we had only been dating a month or so, I was just somewhat familiar with his parents but since we were in college they didn’t mind me spending the night there. So after we missed the train stop and I realized my husband was too drunk to be helpful, I called his parents around 2 AM from his cell phone and his dad had to come pick us up in the next train station. It was the middle of winter, we were freezing, and I had splashes of vomit on me and my hair – it was definitely a night to remember, or actually forget!
CHECK OUT: The Big Bang Theory is now on 5 Nights a Week! Visit to check your local listings.
Mom and More Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory in Syndication. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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