So when I went to my annual check-up last year I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Little did I know, I was also pregnant – I found out 6 weeks later when I was already 3 months pregnant! Anyways due to my high blood pressure I had to go to a lot of extra OB appointments but me and baby girl Olivia are now healthy.
I had hoped my high blood pressure was just a pregnancy thing but it has stayed. I take a pill every morning and night to control it, but now that I am no longer nursing I went on birth control. Since birth control has estrogen in it, it is messing with my blood pressure and my doctor says I have to come off it.
Here is my dilemma, while I am probably done having kids I hate the thought right now of doing anything serious to prevent kids. My husband has no issues getting a vasectomy but I am not ready for that yet. It makes me so sad to think I will never have a baby again. I am only 30 and while I am happy with our three kids (two boys and a girl) I loved being pregnant. I was very lucky to have no sickness or real issues. Having high blood pressure did suck though as I had to go to the doctor a lot for weekly stress tests.
So my doctor said I can use condoms or an IUD. Now I have only been on traditional birth control pills before. I am clueless about an IUD. She was confusing me though saying there are different ones – 5 and 10 year ones. I think in five years (when I’m 35) I will be able to definitively say yes I am done having kids, but I just can’t do it now.
So anyone have any suggestions for me? IUD tips?
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After having a baby numerous women look for a fast and effective post pregnancy diet to get rid of baby fat and get back into shape. However, it will likely be helpful to look carefully at the diet you might be considering and make sure that it will fit your needs and requirements as you might be losing weight.The support group for this program is very large and there are weekly meetings, or weigh-ins, to keep participants motivated. Several companies sponsor weight watchers groups in the workplace with weekly meetings held once a week during the lunch hour so that people with a busy schedule don't have to carve out time to participate.
I have the Mirena and I love it! With working an early work schedule (6:30 to 4) and then tending to an active preschooler I can be pretty scatter brained at times. I have had it for 3 1/2 years and I have not had any side effects at all.
That is good to know! I am definitely losing brain cells as I had more kids so yes remembering one less thing is perfect - although it also leaves me exhausted that abstinence works too!
i am on my second Mirena IUD (had the first one for 5 years and then had it replaced this past summer). i have no regrets about using this type of birth control. i would definitely reccomend it to anyone for long term birth control use.
Good to know, thanks! It is nice to hear that its worked and no problems!
Me, I wouldn't do it. Never liked the thought of it.
Now onto the high blood pressure. My hubby has had that since he was 20 years old. Was on tons of meds, which he didn't like taking. So guess what? He now has normal blood pressure. How? Cut out grains and sugar(s). Does he cheat? Some, but we do not eat grains and it works like a charm! We tried exercise alone, but nope. So you might want to try this. We use almond meal and I make breads etc from that, but basically mostly low carb. He does eat chocolate a few times week and a beer every other day, so not too bad. Low inflammation diet is great.
Thanks - I never thought about changing my diet other than cutting out salt.
Hey Cher, do you have that website? I have an IUD myself and have had it for 5 yrs. Guess it is different than the ones others are talking about since mine last 10 yrs. I do like the fact that you just have it in and don't have to remember anything else. :) I have has issues since I have had it put in and but don't know if they are related to the IUD. The doctors say they don't know what is wrong with me or what is causing it. So the IUD is my favorite choice considering I can't remember to take a pill or go get a shot. But, I am in search of another birth control method.
Sorry here is the website:
There are 2 different ones I learned a 5 year and a 10 year (the 10 year has no hormones) Good luck to you! I think I decided on the 5 year IUD, Mirena.
I too went through the same after i had my 1st child. I love my IUD Mirena. I used to have bad cramps and now I do not get my period anymore and cramps are gone.
No period sounds good to me!
A couple of months ago i got the 5yr Mirena placed & let me tell ya because no one told me,but it hurt bad. The Dr said since i have had 2 c-sections with our 2 boys she said i had scar tissue & because of it I might not be able to have the Mirena placed,so that may be what made it hurt for me. It only hurt when she placed it. It felt as if she jabbed it through something because it seemed like their was a pop with the pain. Now with that said would i do it again? Yes I would. When you look at the benefit of not having to worry for 5yrs a minute or 2 of pain is well worth that & that was as long as it lasted.
The difference is the 5yr one can be left in up to 5yrs & the 10yr one can be left in for 10yrs. I picked the 5yr one,but am wishing I would have picked the 10yr one. Only reason why is because it's 5 more years with protection without the pain in 5yrs getting another placed.
The DR said if i could get past the first few months that I would be fine with it. She said some have a period for straight 3months,some can just spot & some can not have one at all. For me i had a very light period for 2months straight that was starting to get on my nerves,but now it's gone. Also she said I may have really bad cramps after it was placed,but I didnt have any at all,so i consider myself lucky with that. I was suppose to go back in a month to make sure everything is good with it,but put it off when the time came because I'm a little shy,but am going to get me another appointment so i dont have to worry. After all i got this so i could be worry free & putting my app off is making me worry
If I was you i would pick the IUD because I just feel safer having the Mirena than using a condom & also you have it placed & forget it until check-ups or removal. Hope whatever you decide works out for you.
For you other ladies that has had it I would like to share some symptoms with you & see if you all have experienced anything like it. About a month of having my mirena placed I noticed my right breast was very tender when pressure was applied & also right above my c-section scar i had a little place that felt tender to touch. It lasted about a wk & then went away. Well this past week both on my breast are very tender,but my stomach isnt this time. My breast don't feel to have any knots in them,but they seem more sore than my right one was the last time. I was just thinking it might have been the stuff coming out of the mirena that was making my breast etc so sore,but not for sure. Have any of you all experienced anything like that?
Thank you so much for the super informative comment! And thanks for the pain warning! I just went today and the doctor said to take pain mediicine before my IUD procedure next month and I didn't get why!
Hope everything gets better for you!
I have a Non hormone IUD. Have had it since 2007. Never had an issue, I still have periods and they are very regular. I love it and it is good for 12 years. If I wanted to have kids I can get it removed and become pregnant immediately since there isn't hormones. LOVE IT!
Good to know, thanks!
Here is my advice on an IUD for what it is worth......... PLEASE do all your research before you decide. Some IUDs are better than others and they have advanced alot.
Thanks! My doctor gave me a webiste to check out and I still have questions for her so it sounds like it will take me awhile to decide.
I am on the Mirena IUD and I love it. This is actually my second time using it. I first used it after my son was born...around the age of 31. Five years later we decided to have another child...I had it removed and was pregnant the next month. lol
I like it because I don't have to remember to take a pill everyday.
I also like it because after about 6 months ..I don't even have a period anymore. I am on the 4th year of my second Mirena(they are good for 5 years) and I haven't had to buy feminine products in 3 and 1/2 years. It is a little uncomfortable while they put it in but once it's in, you can't even tell. Plus, my insurance paid for the whole thing. I would ask your dr about it and see what they say. :)
Good to know - I also hadn't thought about what my insurance pays so I will have to look into that.