Categories: MeSpark

Have You Changed Your Password Lately & Some Tips to Stay Safe @HotspotShield #HotspotShield

Disclosure:  I am a Hotspot Shield Ambassador that is compensated and will be sharing my honest opinion.

The other day I realized I had been using the same password for my email for the eight or so years I have had my email.  Yes I admit I have used the same password since I created my email account.  Terrible I know!  Then I think about all the other websites I have passwords for and realize I was using the same email of for those.  Now don’t get me wrong it is okay to have the same password for those simple sites like the recipes ones and ones that you don’t have any serious personal information on.  It seems like every website I visit wants me to register and create a password, which for some of them its absolutely ridiculous.  I look at my address as something anyone can get and not very personal, but if I have a credit card or social security number on file then of course a more secure password is a must.  

Here are some hints I have for passwords online:

  • Create a good long password for each of your most important online accounts such as your email, bank information, credit cards.
  • Don’t use the same one for everything!  If its hard to remember them then vary them by putting a form of the site in them for example for gmail use “gmail” in the password or for Chase bank use “chase” in the same password.  Just mix up the letters or use something you could reference to them.
  • Keep your passwords safe.  I honestly prefer to keep a handwritten list of my passwords rather than safe them online.  If I forget one or my husband needs one we know where to look and we don’t need a password to access it!  I don’t trust either having all my passwords saved online somewhere.
  • Change your passwords often!  Whether it be every month, every 6 months, or at least every year change your passwords.  I know it sucks having to remember a new password but its better to be safe than sorry.  I actually set reminders for myself now to remember to change them.
  • Use a VPN (virtual private network) such as HotSpot Shield on both your laptops and smartphones to keep your browsing and shopping to yourself and secure.  It also protects against malware, which  includes a variety of hostile computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, dishonest adware, and other malicious programs.  Basically using HotSpot Shield, your internet browsing will be safe and your protected.  If you are not using a VPN it may be just like handing over your password to a stranger.

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