Categories: Spark

Finding the Right Toys For the Holidays #YahooParenting #CG #CleverGirls

With the holidays just around the corner I found myself trying to purge and clean up my house before all the craziness comes.  Between the amount of presents my three kids gets, it is honestly overwhelming.  We have lots of family we visit and with my kids being the only kids on my side, they do get spoiled.  Everyone wants to buy them something because “they need to open something.”  I have tried suggesting to give them experience gifts such as a day with Uncle Brad or Aunt Kristen, but it is easier to give a gift and call it a day I guess.  I have tried to explain how my kids will not remember necessarily who gave them the plastic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or specific LEGO set, but they will remember the time their aunt took them to the zoo or to their favorite restaurant.

This was last Christmas at our house:

Here is a recent picture of our toy room (and this is just one half of it):

Recently I read an article from Yahoo Parenting called “Does Your Child Have Too Many Toys?” and the author mentioned how her child had a playdate with another 2-year old who only had two toys.  She went on to say how imaginative and expressive the child was with just those two toys, while her own child went from toy to toy to toy at home.

Photo by Martin Poole/Thinkstock

The article had me thinking maybe my kids are overwhelmed with toys. I know I am all talk and my kids will have tons of presents this Christmas to open but I am definitely getting better!  I am slowly getting better at picking out toys for my kids and the article also has some great suggestions on making smart choices of toys.  I will take all the suggestions I can get when it comes to my kids and how to engage them more.  I want my three little ones to grow up to be successful adults and I am definitely winging it here day by day with them!

Do you have a toy problem at home?  How do you handle the holidays with presents for your kids?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


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  • Before Christmas we go through the kids rooms and get rid of all the broken children take care of there toys, but after years of libe and dedicated play things break. We then take the toys they have outgrown and donate them to the orphan grain train or our local womens shelter. I use this opportunity to talk about children that are not as fortunate as we are. We live pay check to paycheck as a lot of families do but my boys dtill end up with so many presents because I have such a wonderful extended family and community. We also talk a lot about what Christmas is about we are not a extreme religious family but we have our faith and my children has suprised me in the past and offered some of their presents to children that didnt not get a present due to a fire on Christmas in our neighboring town. It makes my heart swell with love and pride at how unselfish they can truley be at just 8 & 10! One year the y both asked Santa to just make Mommy feel better... they of course got spoiled as rottten as we possibly could!!!

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