I received a gift card in exchange for sharing this information.
Whether a new parent or seasoned parent, we could all use help. I remember when my first son was born, I was overwhelmed and I received advice from everyone. The grocery store clerk, neighbors, friends of friends, everyone had advice for me. After though my son turned about 1 years old no one really gave me advice any more. I think the problem is that babies are pretty simple and all the same, but the older kids get the more complicated.
Kinsights is a smarter parenting community that can help users get thoughtful advice from other parents. The Kinsteps program will send the user three text messages each week to teach the user how to help their child. Language development starts at birth and Kinsights can help parents connect with their kids. It basically makes getting great parenting advice easier and smarter. Kinsights answers are voted on by the community so the best, most helpful content rises to the top.
Another feature of Kinsights is that it offers a Personal Health Record Keeper for children. No more keeping track of slips of paper containing your children’s important health information. And in the event of an emergency, you can have the health records sent to the ER or out-of-town doctor in a snap. This is great since so many of us parents are on the go and we don’t usually carry around health information. Now parents can easily organize their child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more.
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Holly DeLeon says
My tip is to remember that everything is temporary, good and bad alike. The time passes quickly so make the most of it with your children before they grow up.
Leah Shumack says
Go with the flow. You might want your baby down at 8 each night his internal clock may be 10. Enjoy the little moments cause you’ll blink and they aren’t a baby anymore!
Tammy Woodall says
When I was a new parent, my Mom told me to get down on the floor and crawl around and see what I could get into. I didn’t realize until I did that – to understand there were so many things I hadn’t thought of when I was trying to be safety conscience.
Kaitlin says
My tip is to enjoy every minute of your children’s childhood, the bad, the good, the messy, every minute of all of it!
Amy Deeter says
Take care of your health as a parent. “The health of a family depends on the health of the mother,”
Jerry Marquardt says
Do not be in a rush or try to hurry into anything. Try not to stress out or you will burn out.
Christy says
Forget about what you thought parenting was going to be like. It’s amazing how your ideas change once you have a little curtain climber or two. Just be ready to accept that things will not always work out the way you hoped.
Lisa L says
My parenting tip is to try to jot down memories whenever and wherever you can.
Crystal F says
Take all the help you can get. The first little while really is hard and it’s not a bad thing to ask for help.
Anita k says
You’ve got this,trust yourself,and it’s o.k.to ask for help.thanks so very much for sharing .
John H. says
I would say enjoy enjoy it – it goes so fast.
trixx says
My tip is to steal little moments just for yourself, even if it’s just a cup of coffee during nap time.
Kat Emerick says
Always have patient! Take deep breath and relax. Also important to have time out for yourself.
Lesley F says
Don’t stress out over the small things
Buddy Garrett says
Take some time out for yourself and with your other. Accept offers of help. Don’t be overwhwlmed by trying to do everything yourself.
carl says
sarah says
Jake in navy
Kathy Pease says
My best tip to my daughter who is expecting in october is to let others help with chores and the baby because it can be a very tiring and overwhelming time
Jennifer H. says
When your little ones are acting up -just remember you did it to – patience.
Sarah L says
I don’t like that the form does not give you the option of a different email. I like to keep my subscriptions with a different email than the one in the rafflecopter form.
Marc says
Always put your baby face-up in the crib.
Hayley says
Keep your diaper bag prepared! Diapers, wipes, bag for trash, food, spoon, extra outfit, sunscreen, toys for the car or restaurants, etc.
Danalee says
My advice is to remember that parenting is about sacrifice, but it is worth every moment!
Julie Hawkins says
My tip is to try to relax and don’t worry about the small stuff
cylina williams says
Try not to stress about the small stuff, they grow very fast.
brandy c says
Never hit your kid no matter how angry you are, they won’t forget it. Whether they’re 1 or 11 it does real lasting harm. Take deep breathes, put them in a safe place, and go calm down.
Krista says
Every day is a gift. Make the most of it.
David Paxton says
Amazon is great
kim keithline says
Don’t sweat the small stuff everything doesn’t have to be perfect the baby won’t remember all the perfectness but they will remember you
Cynthia says
My tip would be have fun and don’t stress out too much
Jack B says
My best tip is practice patience. Always be patient with kids.
Nicole Carter says
Don’t stress. No one is perfect. Seek out advice from other parents. Usually people are very willing to give great advice on parenting.
Serge B says
Take naps when you can because you won’t be sleeping at night
Kalynn Carter says
be selfless
Delma Luna says
sleep when the baby sleeps if possible
Erica B. says
Sleep whenever you can.
Charles M says
I want to win.
laurie murley says
sleep when you can, especially if the baby is sleeping. they don’t stay little for long, enjoy them.
Mya Murphy says
Sleep when the baby sleeps <3
Judy Schechter says
I would tell them to laugh more, everything isn’t so serious! And enjoy laughing with your baby, they think everything is funny!
Judy Schechter says
Laugh at yourself, you don’t always have to be so serious! And enjoy watching your baby laugh, they think everything is funny!
Patricia M says
Always talk to your children about safety.
Carolyn Daley says
Be patient, ask for help when needed, and know that every parent makes mistakes along the way.
Daniel M says
patience is a virtue
Robin says
My advice would be to remember to be patient with your child.
richelle bowers says
sleep as much as you can
kyl neusch says
Don’t stress about the little things
Breanna Pollard says
I would tell them to enjoy every moment.
Linda Lansford says
Love them unconditionally
Janice Cooper says
Pack your patience and enjoy every second.
Carol says
sleep as much as you can
Melissa says
spend as much time as you can with your kids, but still make some time for yourself!
Terri Moore says
I would tell new parents that the housework will be there when you get to it. Don’t stress over a slightly messy house, enjoy being with your littles and accept the toys as part of your décor.
Theresa says
Trust your instincts. Nobody knows your baby better than you do.
Kristin says
Trust your instincts, don’t worry about every little thing, and just hold her/him any chance you get!
Alyssa Lee says
Don’t stress about the little things enjoy life.
Grazy (StoreGiftCardGiveaways) says
Hi! I just want to inform you that I posted your Amazon gift card in our site and I hope its alright with you. Here’s the link of the post
Mary Jacobowitz says
The key to success in school, is to develop a love of reading. Nightly bedtime reading is very important.
Michael Perkins says
Get plenty of quality time in.
Ryan says
Sleep when you can
Matthew Hamilton says
babies are cool!
Leela says
Sleep when baby sleeps.
Michelle A says
Relax and enjoy every minute. It goes by way too fast.
Rosanne Morrison says
Remember you are the parent and set limits but choose your battles as to what is really important. Let things go that will not matter years from now.
Kathleen says
Make sure you make time for yourself.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Shannon Hearts says
Don’t forget to take time out for yourself
Gary Black says
Invest the time with them when they are very young before the rest of the world they will live in begins to dictate to them.
Courtnie Miller says
Make sure you make time for you.
jberry says
Put away your play things & play w/ your children.
Neha Kaul says
Take each day (each moment even) as it comes. Don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t beat yourself over not being a perfect parent. Just do the best you can do.
katrina najera says
Cherish each moment and take lots of pictures!
Mercedes Huber says
Have patience, they are only little for so long.
Ellie Wright says
Cherish the little things every day. Because if you blink they are grown before you know it. You’re going to miss those little faces.
Shakeia Rieux says
Quality time away from your child is just as important as quality time with your child
Leisl G says
sleep when the baby sleeps!
jim zahorian says
listen to your instincts!
The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia says
Do the best the can with your child’s best interests in mind, and you can’t go wrong, even if you think you might be.
Enrique Herrera says
Always check the online reviews of potential new play sets or toys you buy for your child in the future. Look out for current or past factory recalls.
Renee Davila says
very nice website
Kathy Artis says
Keeping the baby or little one on a schedule seems to make things go smoother.
Enjoy each and every moment as time flies by….
Venus Marie Lay says
Don’t believe everything you read in the baby books — they can drive you nuts after a while 🙂
kath g says
My tip is….when people offer to help – let them….have a list of things that could help you, so when they offer, you have some suggestions ready.
Jim W. says
Get sleep whenever you can, you’re going to need it.
Lorri S says
Enjoy the quiet time while you can!
Nikki says
Take the time to play and talk to them while they’re small, it builds that parent child relationship stronger and helps them grow.
Lori Jackson says
Best advice ever~~~ Sleep when Baby sleeps!
Carrie Smith says
It sounds trite, but enjoy this time when the baby sleeps all day. Pretty soon you will be running after him constantly.
Carol Nine says
Don’t worry too much. If you are worrying about how good a job you are doing, you are most likely doing a great job.
Misty w says
sleep when ever ou can!
Amy Jones says
My advice to new parents is to not sweat the small stuff. Hug them and love them all the time. Every stage of development is cool and amazing. Start reading to them as infants, and never stop!
Becca says
Take time for yourself. You have to be at your best to be the best parent you can be 🙂
CR Williams says
Don’t get focused on how others are raising their children. Focus on what you think is beat for you and your child.
Laura Royal says
Always be patient and don’t lose your cool!
Elizabeth Owens says
I would say to just enjoy your time and live in the moment. I think too many young parents fret over small something that isn’t important.
Carly D. says
Trust your instincts and always make the best decisions for your family. Don’t worry about everyone else’s opinion!
Holly B says
I’m not a parent so I try not to give too many tips 😛
jill rivera says
The day after a doctor visit to get shots, don’t think you will be getting anything do the next day.
Lori says
Relax and trust your instincts. They’re there for a reason.
Caroline says
Ask for help!!
michellle hilll says
try to have mommy time and naps when baby is asleep even a quick bubble bath
Karleen Torrance says
Ask for help when you need it.
michelle jacobsen says
make sure to get as much sleep as possilble
Alicia says
Give your baby a lot of love and take a bunch of naps.
Tina W says
When people offer help — TAKE IT! Let them do your grocery shopping, mow the lawn, whatever.
jessica says
Put socks on your baby !
Shauntea Crutcher says
Remember to make some time for yourself.
Nicole l says
Baby wearing will help you to get things done
Michelle S. says
be consistent, don’t say you are going to do something such as a certain punishment and then change it later, be fair to start with and then don’t back down, also don’t give handouts, kids need to earn things
Stephen Alexander says
Sleep early and often
Selinda says
This too will pass, enjoy it while you can!
David Fultner says
New parents stay calm and enjoy the ride( you are no longer in control).
Denise says
Read to your baby.
lissa crane says
My advice is let people help! So many people offer to cook or babysit, just accept it and use that time to take care of yourself!
paige chandler says
Have patience…tomorrow will be different and better
Sharon Kaminski says
My tip would be a lot of patience.
Amber says
I would say to follow your heart and discipline with love.
Bev Henry says
My Tip is lots of love
Echota Keller says
Let go of everything you thought you knew before becoming a parent. Enjoy the ride.
maleficent m says
get in as many naps as you can
Stanislav Kalyuzhny says
If you observe your children then it’ll be easier to interpret their needs
Denise B. says
Don’t believe or follow everything you read in parenting magazines and books.
Julie Lamb says
sleep sleep and more sleep !
stephanie buchanan says
Find a good, consistent routine that works for you.
Lauren Olivia Wood says
Get as much rest as possible!
Linda Deline says
make a happy safe home
E Rose says
I would tell them to make sure they don’t forget to take care of themselves too.
Nataile Brown says
The tip I’d give and have given is to make sure to get enough sleep. It can be hard but, if they take turns and get some help from family and friends, it’s possible. It’s one of the biggest lessons I learned as a new mother. 🙂
Luna S says
Sleep when they sleep that way you get a full eight hours and wont get cranky if you need to stay up all night.
AnnJ says
The perfect is the enemy of the good.
Justine says
Make room for some “me time.”
Jodi J says
You need to get away every once in awhile and get a sitter. That way your child gets used to being away from you without being miserable.
joe h says
the gift card will help with essentials
Allie D. says
Always trust in the LORD! 🙂
Jen says
Be patient!
Heather Turner says
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Perfection is overrated.
beverly e says
Listen to your trusted advisers, but follow your instincts. Find a good pediatrician who listens to your concerns… and don’t sweat the small stuff!
Sally Wilsey says
As a Grandma, I will give the advice I gave to my children. Love them, praise them, hug and cuddle them, listen to them and encourage them, but most of all live close to Grandma so its easier to drop them off when you want!
Angela Mittner says
Try to get help where you can, get sleep when you can, and shower when you can!
sandra says
get plenty or rest
Serena Powell says
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’re going to be tired and overwhelmed a lot! You’ll find that people are very happy to lend a helping hand to take the load off of you.
polly says
When the baby is napping you take a nap as well. All the other stuff can wait! You need the rest!
Petra says
You can do it!
Katiria says
I would tell a new parent that its all worth it to make sure your child feels safe and secure so do whatever it takes!!
Laura says
Love your blog especially the tech reviews and travel stories! Keep it coming.
Angie Moeller says
buy an Angel Care Monitor for under the childs mattress. If you at all are worried about SIDS at night, this will ease your mind. I have one and I love it.
Karen says
To not stress out. Ask for help if you start to get overwhelmed.
Jennifer Rote says
My tip is to sleep when the baby sleeps.
Terra Heck says
I’d tell them to accept advice but not forget to trust their own gut instincts. Thanks.
jeanette sheets says
take on eday and step at atim e,dont try be perfect .just relax!!
Tyneisha says
My tip is to have patience with yourself!
rick watkins says
let people help
Rebecca Orr says
My tip is to accept help from family and friends! You will need it. When they offer to make meals, change diapers, or watch the baby while you shower of nap…take it!
velder dixon says
be patient in all things
Brenda Elsner says
Work together and make sure to let mom have a break from time to time. House work can wait, take naps when baby naps and enjoy. They grow up way too fast.
greg says
it’s worth it.
rebecca day says
Be patient!
Madonna says
my tip is to treasure the time with your baby and make the most out of every moment. Any time you have to choose between the baby and housework choose the baby. The housework is always going to be there.
Jennifer Lleras says
my tip: Don’t judge yourself or you child based on other parents. All moms and kids are differn’t, go with what feels good and natural to you.
greentopiaries says
Be very patient!
Emily Endrizzi says
Don’t worry too much about weather or not you’re doing a good enough job and don’t compare your parenting to others.
sheila h says
Sometimes mommies need a time out too. Arrange for a babysitter to come in while you stay at home to catch up on stuff you need to do.
Julie Lundstrom says
This looks like a really good program and help for parents. It has alot of answers to questions that parents have.
Marissa C says
Don’t compare your children to others. All kids are different and grow/learn differently.
kathy d says
get rest when the baby sleeps, you will need it
Mary Calabrese says
My tip: try not to sweat the small stuff.
Diane Estrella says
Don’t sweat the small stuff!
Megan Parsons says
Enjoy them while they are young, because they grow up so fast!
robyn paris says
I’d say to remember through the years always stand your ground. Let them know you are the parent.
e michelle says
Trust your gut! If something feels wrong don’t ignore it!
Trisha BUrgess says
My tip is don’t strive for perfection! Embrace the messiness of parenting and you’ll find you don’t stress as much!
Cheryl Abdelnour says
My tip is to enjoy every moment and every day. Kids grow so fast and before you know it they will be on their own.
Kelly D says
My tip would be not to buy a lot of stuff ahead of time. A lot of it goes unused.
Stacey B says
My tip is to say goodbye to sleep and time to yourself! They’re both far & few between
Alona Y says
The best tip I would have for couples is that teamwork helps so much and both people need to be willing to do any task!
Linda G. says
I would tell them to try to get some rest when baby rests.
David Balkin says
You’re going to make mistakes….but that’s ok! Just love your kid, and most everything will work out.
Dani says
All bets are off when they are teenagers. it doesn’t matter how they used to be. They will change..a lot.
Holly Thomas says
Be sure to sleep when your baby sleeps because being a mom, especially of a breast feeding baby, it definitely wears you down. Housework can wait – or have hubby help out with it, but definitely at first SLEEP when baby sleeping!
mary lee anderson says
I would advise new parents to form or join a support group — it helps to share ideas and concerns with other parents.
Sarah Hayes says
Do your own research and make your own decisions
Katherine says
You can’t spoil a newborn
Summer B. says
Don’t let anyone tell you how to raise your child.
Melissa says
Sleep when you can and don’t stress over the small things
Christina says
Take it one day at a time!
Megan Zuchowski says
Take it one day at a time
Trisha W. says
Accept offers of help when you have a newborn.
Stephanie MacDonald says
be grateful for what u have
Danielle Marie says
dont be afraid to ask for help. you need to take care of yourself to take care of someone else.
jose benavides says
Just go with the flow and let your motherly instincts take over.
pu ye says
Start each day with a smile
Sabrin says
Hi. Sleep early for a healthier body
FRANK says
Make sure you get enough sleep and rest.
nickie says
Take help when offered
Glen says
Start each day with a smile
Tammy Evans says
Don’t sweat the small stuff, trust me save your energy for the big stuff
mickeyfan says
Sometimes you have to trust your own instincts….no matter what “helpful” advice you get.
Debra S says
Don’t compete in your mind with other people’s kids… you know the ones.. Oh MY child is off of bottles already.. oh who cares? LOL Each kid is so different! And it all evens out later on during school age…
Ty says
My advice to a new parent is don’t be afraid to ask for help. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Begin building your village.
Jennifer Scheldberg says
“No one is perfect. There will be good days and there will be bad days but it’s all worth it.”
Ashley C says
Enjoy the small things and make the most out of every day!
Richard Hicks says
My tip to a new parent is have lots and lots of patience
Gloria Walshver says
Take naps during the day if possible don’t exert yourself.
Bridget Merker says
Not everything is going to happen the way you want it to – relax and go with the flow.
heather s says
Don’t feel you have to do it all yourself. It is ok to ask friends/family for help.
Tamra H says
Buy things the baby isn’t going to grow out of in bulk. Time savings driving back to the store is worth it alone!
Jillian Too says
Take family members up on their offers to babysit even if it’s just for an hour. Everyone needs a break and you can use the time to catch up on chores or just relax.
diane says
always keep your eyes on your kids
Hannah says
Embrace and enjoy every moment even the difficult ones, at the end everything always works out.
Carol says
Teach your child good manners.
melissa Resnick says
truly enjoy every second no matter how crazy it gets
Will G says
Stock up on diapers when they are on sale.
Robin M says
Get your baby on a sleeping schedule.
Amanda Whitley says
it would be like a broken record but the most important advice really is to sleep when baby sleeps.
Steven weber says
My tip is to not be afraid to ask people for help.
Cynthia R says
My tip is forget the chores and all the tasks you are used to getting done, some things will just have to wait.
Kimberly Hilbert says
My tip would be to relax and not worry so much. Also get a lot of sleep whenever you can grab it. The housework can wait.
Stacy says
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you really need! If you need someone to watch the baby for 15 minutes so you can take a shower or if you need an hour to run to the store so you don’t go crazy, do not feel bad about asking.
Janet Woodling says
Enjoy the moment..they are truly priceless.
Debbi Wellenstein says
The best advice I got when I was a new mother was to ask for help. You’re not super woman!
Tarah says
There is a ton of advice out there, remember each kid is different, each of your OWN kids will be different. So take what works and throw out the rest. Follow your gut.
danizilla says
Be patient and don’t blame yourself if you feel frustrated, just try not to take it out on your child
Denise S says
My tip is not to worry too much. Most things aren’t as bad as they seem.
Dana Rodriguez says
Be patient and don’t be afraid to ask advice. No question is a stupid one.
Lisa says
Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t know something or feel frustrated, it’s normal.
Layne Austin says
I would tell a new parent to enjoy the time they have because time goes way quicker than we all think
Sadie B. says
Be patient and help your kids learn to correct their mistakes. They grow up so fast.
Amanda Welling says
Relax! You’re going to make mistakes and that is OKAY! 🙂
Marilyn Legault says
Start early with healthy snacks of fruits and vegetables, not candy and cookies
Margaret Smith says
My tip would be to try to rest when baby is resting. The first few months are difficult with getting needed sleep, but if you rest when your baby is resting, this helps lots. Also, if someone offers to help you out for awhile, take them up on it.
Michelle S says
My tip would be to smile and say thank you to all the advice you get. Then I would do what you think is best for the baby.
Kurt Hoffmann says
Take a deep breath and relax
Cynthia C says
My advice would be to relax and enjoy every minute with the baby. They grow up so fast!
Sandy Klocinski says
You may not want to cut your baby’s nails because you are afraid of making her bleed. However, if you don’t cut your baby’s nails, she will probably scratch herself and then she’ll bleed. So, why postpone the inevitable?
Amy Pratt says
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
Tari Lawson says
My advice to new parents is to let sleeping babies sleep. Don’t get so caught up in schedules and such.
Stephen Saunders says
Everyone has advice for dealing with the new babies… I’ll offer a thought for when they start growing and getting a little older. Be the parent, not the friend. There are more important things than having smiley instagram moments with your kid. Teach her or him how to survive in a world that will do everything it can to tear them apart. What you teach your kid to do for themself will have an infinitely more positive effect on their life than what you merely do for them. Raise an independent, not a dependent. Be the parent, not the friend.
Janet W. says
A tip for a new parent: have lots of patience and don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Kim H says
My advice is “It will be fine….don’t panic”
Adrienne Gordon says
Take sleep whenever, wherever you can.
Colleen Maurina says
Enjoy the infant stage because it goes so fast and don’t try to be perfect!
harolde says
Video everything, you will want to go back and watch every minute.
Brittney House says
My tip would be to be patience and make time for yourself too.
Seyma Shabbir says
Have a pediatrician with weekend hours and on call after hours.
Kimmy Ripley says
I know it’s cliche but you gotta sleep when the baby sleeps!
Julie L says
Accept help when offered! You don’t have to do it alone!
Karla R. says
Always be patient with your children.
Deborah D says
Never wake a sleeping baby
Pamela Gurganus says
A tip I’d give to a new parent is to not be afraid to ask for help!
courtney hennagir says
Trust your gut! I think that’s a great tip.Mother’s(or father’s) intuition is pretty spot on most of the time.
nannypanpan says
use saline spray for stuffy noses
Vicki Wurgler says
trust in yourself and if you need help ask
Mary Cloud says
Rest when you can – you’ll need all the energy you can get for the first few months
Francine Anchondo says
Sleep when the baby sleeps and also take the help that is offered you dont have to do it alone .
Tara L says
The best advice I can give is that you’ll learn as you go. Don’t stress out about being a first time parent, trust you gut.
LAura DeLuca says
Don’t listen to people’s tips. You’ll figure it out for yourself.
Barbara Montag says
My best tip – try to trust your own instincts.
thank you
Melissa M says
Sleep when baby sleeps, for real!
Amanda Kinder says
Never be ashamed to cry when you’re tired or frustrated.
D Schmidt says
My top tip would be to read as much as you can, so many people make uneduated choices.
Natalie says
My tip is to not be too hard on yourself because no parent is perfect.
KJ Skib says
Go with your gut. The doctors don’t know everything. You will know what is right for your child.
Jennifer Tilson says
I think the best tip is to stop being so hard on yourself. Taking care of your kids is a hard job and you’re going to make mistakes but nobody else can do your job better.
Cindy Merrill says
There’s no shame in asking the Grand parents to help when you need a breather- as a Grandmother myself, I would have crawled through broken glass to spend a few hours baby sitting.
rochelle haynes says
Love your child unconditionally no matter what
Amanda Sakovitz says
Ask family and friends to babysit.
Crystal Ward says
Don’t worry about doing everything “right” – just enjoy the craziness.
M.Clark says
It’s a good idea to have a lot of help, don’t try to do things on your own.
Jen Haile says
Try to remember that it’s not the end of the world when things don’t go the way you planned for your children.
Kate F. says
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re overwhelmed.
Laura Collins says
Enjoy your kids and ask for help when needed
Natalie says
I try to avoid advice unless asked. But I always like to tell moms how amazing they are and when they says “I don’t know what I’m doing.” I say, “None of us do.”
Linda Trinklein says
Oh no! In the pinterest link comment – I copy and pasted yours! Ekk not mine
Linda Trinklein says
My comments is gone, or i cant see it! commenting again!
Thank you for the chance!
I would suggest ” take any help offered to you!”
Sleep when baby sleeps- no really! Dont want to miss that nap 😉
Linda Trinklein says
I would suggest to take any help offered to you!!
Sleep when baby sleeps ( really dont want to miss that nap ) 😉 thanks
Beth Minyard says
I’m not a parent so I don’t have any tips, but I’ve enjoyed reading other’s tips!
Jessica Fortner says
I’d say follow your gut always and don’t be too hard on yourself. There is no such thing as a perfect parent.
Christina Foley says
Trust your instincts and parent in a way that works best for you and your family, no matter what others say!
Sara Zielinski says
Just relax and parent the way you think is best, don’t worry about what everyone else has to say.
Christy Caldwell says
Tip to new parents would be to do what you think is best for your child. Everyone will have an opinion and they’ll all be different. Trust your instincts.
Nancy says
My tip to new parents: focus on what’s really important – the baby and you. Accept all offers of help for meals, laundry, house cleaning, etc..
Kathy Ross says
Never leave your child alone. Anywhere!
Dan Denman says
It is exhausting to take care of a newborn. Get help from grandparents and other family members.
Deborah W. says
Try and sleep every chance you get; forget the housework, etc. Limit company unless they are bringing meals or are helping in some way.
Angelica says
It doesn’t matter how annoying your mother or mother-in-law seem, you will be eternally grateful for their help! Don’t push help away and don’t be afraid to admit you need it.
latanya says
do what works for your family
shelly peterson says
It’s ok to ask for and receive help, sometimes being a new parent can be over whelming.
Sarah Hall says
Just don’t panic. Babies are tougher than you think so just follow your instincts and love them all you can.
Holly Thomas says
Take all the help that is offered!
Lee McKeon says
Take time for yourself and relax when you get a chance and don’t over judge everything
Sarah L says
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Thanks for the contest.
Candie L says
I would say do not worry about the house. No one really cares. Thank you
aaron reck says
Appreciate it cause it won’t last.
vickie couturier says
when they sleep you sleep,,and dont sweat the small stuff,,enjoy
Candice says
My tip is to give yourself a break from time to time.
mycraftingworld says
Enjoy it all… they will grow up so fast.
Dawn Monroe says
My tip I to take the help offered to you by people you trust.
Crystal Rogers Walker says
Take the advice from other Mother’s but remember it’s your child and you have to learn on you own how your baby’s needs and wants
soha molina says
Establish a sleep routine and stick with it.
Ms Gretchen Ann Luper says
don’t let the baby sleep with you, it’s too easy to roll over on them or the blankets get in it’s face.
Thomas Murphy says
Read some parenting books.
Mia says
I would tell them to be willing to accept help from family and friends.
janetfaye says
Take naps and don’t worry about cleaning the house.
DeAnna Keller says
I’d tell them that they need to sleep when the baby does and savor every moment because they’ll grow up so fast!
charlene says
My tip is always remember that you are the parent. Do not let others question your choices in parenting.
Marie Smith says
Let other parents know they’re doing a great job. This can make a difference in the way they parent. I think most moms and dads are carrying around a low grade form of depression because we doubt ourselves. We usually think we’re doing worse than we are. Pick each other up and be an arm or a crutch when its needed.
Bridgett Wilbur says
Be patient and never feel bad about asking for help.
Kristin K says
Make sure you sleep when the baby sleeps! Get as much rest as you can, because you never know if you’re going to half to pull and all-nighter! Forget about keeping the house as clean as it was before the baby…just get your sleep!
Tara says
Take help when it’s offered!
ken ohl says
be loving and patient for sure
Anastasia Falling says
Sleep when you can! Don’t worry about household chores, especially when the baby is really little. You won’t do anyone any good if you’re not sleeping when you can 🙂
Lisa Brown says
Tip: accept help if it is offered, or even ask if you need help. It is overwhelming as a new parent and most people around you will want to help, so at least you can get some sleep 🙂
Jackie says
Enjoy every minute! Kids grow so quick!
James Robert says
My tip is if someone offers to help you out, accept it and get some rest when you can
Zuzana Foldesova says
Buy safety ABS corners to table
Peter Halo says
Well just do not let the car keys on the floor 😀
Try to relax and not stress out because your baby will pick up on it.
Jessie C. says
For new parents- don’t panic, keep calm and ask for help whenever needed.
bill norris says
accept help from trusted family members
Julie Lundstrom says
To learn patience and enjoy every moment for they grow up way to fast!
Beth Hill says
Sleep when baby sleeps and do not sweat the small stuff!
JLin says
rest whenever you can
Julie Wood says
Tag-Team to Get Some Sleep! Have Dad or Mom get up with baby at different times so each can get enough sleep with new baby! This tip really worked for me.
Patricia says
No one is perfect, forgive yourself when you make parenting mistakes.
Kelly Nicholson says
Leave a blog post comment on a tip you’d give to a new parent.
find a way to get some sleep…thats all i know
Shelly H says
My tip would be to NOT listen to all of the advice that you’ve been given. You will find your own way of doing things with the new baby. Every parent has to find their own groove,schedule, technique, etc. that works for THEM
Bernie W says
I would tell a new parent to try to get sleep whenever they can. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win.
Dawn Scire says
I was going to say the very same thing!
Mary says
Trust your own instincts…you know your child best.