Categories: Spark

Browsing Sales Flyers On-the-Go #FlippFoodChallenge

I received compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

Summer has been pretty crazy for me and while I love the freedom of our days and nights, I miss the routines of the school year. We are so lax in the summer that grocery shopping has become low on the priority list. I just don’t have time to sit and look at the circular ads to meal plan as we are constantly on the go making the most of summer. During the school year I have a routine where I sit with the sales flyers and make my lists for the week but honestly I have not touched a paper sales flyer all summer.

Luckily there is a location-based app that delivers the latest circulars right on my phone. Flipp allows for consumers to easily browse store ads and find the very best deals on whatever they need. From groceries to housewares to tech gadgets, there are ads for so many stores right at my fingertips. You can search for the store or the category.

I found that while I am sitting at the park or the few minutes I have before we head out, I am more likely to use the Flipp app to get my deal ideas. This has been great for me to know where to do my one-stop shopping.

I completed the Flipp Summer Food Challenge and it was a success. Basically I was challenged to scout of deals on Flipp and map out my shopping. This week I didn’t have a lot of time so I chose Aldi for my weekly grocery shopping since its minutes from my house. I was somewhat limited by choosing Aldi because they do not accept coupons, which Flipp shows, but luckily Aldi has great prices to start off with.

Here is my overloaded car full of groceries:

Here are some screenshots of the Flipp app from my phone:

Here is a shopping list I started with an essential of course:

From my list I can then see where there are deals!

I was able to get some great deals and by checking what was on sale I even planned out a few meals for the week. I am terrible at meal planning but I am trying to buy meats especially when they are on sale to plan out meals.

Overall, I can’t wait to use Flipp once school starts and I spend most of my time either on the hockey arena benches or soccer fields (yeah for busy kid schedules.) I spend so much time on my phone throughout the day that I might as well try to save some money while doing it!

Stay Connected with Flipp:


Check out Flipp on both iTunes and Google Play.


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  • I think I need something like this rather than looking online on the computer to see what is on sale. I am on my phone enough so this would be perfect for me

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