
Sticking To A Healthy Lifestyle

It’s so hard to stick to a healthy lifestyle in the modern age. We find ourselves living sedentary lives involving sitting in cars, sitting in desk chairs, and sitting on couches to watch TV. All our time is spent sitting and we tell ourselves that there’s no time for any moving. You’d love to exercise but you’re “just too busy”. Does that line sound familiar? Well, nobody’s too busy to put their health first. Here are some ways to stick to a healthy lifestyle permanently.


The key to making exercise a habit is to find a routine that you actually want to stick to. This is very important when it comes to physical activity. There’s no point in taking up weightlifting at the gym if you find that sort of thing incredibly boring. You’ll end up canceling your gym membership after a week. You need to find a way of moving your body that’s fun. If you’ve always loved yoga then join a yoga club. If you’ve always loved your local park then walk around your local park every day. All that matters is you find a way to get your body moving and squeeze a little bit of exercise time into your daily routine (even half an hour makes all the difference). You’ll be far more likely to stick to your healthy lifestyle that way.


When it comes a healthy diet, it’s important to cut through all the noise and figure out what that actually means. You don’t have to give up all the foods you love but you should find healthier ways of consuming them. Air fryers are great for frying food with reduced fat content and Healthy But Smart ranked the top 5 if you wanted to look into them. The point is simply that you should aim to cut down on overeating the wrong things. Everything is good for you in moderation.

To explain this further, reducing fat and sugar intake to a healthy level is smart, but it’s also smart to find the balance with regards to protein, iron, potassium, and carbohydrate intake. You need all of these things and more in your diet, however, so don’t go down the route of starving yourself to “live healthily”. Eating less doesn’t always equal good health. Living on a crash diet of nothing but vegetables and fruit until you’re stick-thin is a very unhealthy way of approaching your diet. You’d be starving your body of the vitamins and nutrients it needs. It’s just as unhealthy as overeating junk food but it’s on the other end of the spectrum.


Your mental health has a huge effect on your physical health, so if you thought the only downside of depression, anxiety, or stress was that you felt a little bit sad then you were wrong. Stress can lead to skin problems, weight fluctuation, and sleep problems (which, inevitably, leads to more health problems). One of the best ways to achieve a healthy state of mental health is to allow your brain some time to decompress after a long day. You need to find ways to relax and unwind so that you can take control of your time and recover your sanity within a stressful lifestyle. A long soak in the bath or a brisk walk around the park can help (exercise is good for the body and the mind, as mentioned earlier).


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  • You are so right, it's difficult to stick and maintain a healthy life style. Now I love my gym-time, but still strugle with the diet

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