
5 Things Every Soccer Mom (and Dad) Needs

I received free product and compensation from Claritin® to write this post. All opinions are my own.

My 9-year-old son has played soccer for the past five years now and I have become quite the expert at what to have on hand. While every year and season changes with our needs, for the most part I have a list of my must-haves. Being a Midwesterner too, I am excited for any chance to be outside – but I, of course, prefer a nice 70-degree sunny day.

This is not my ideal outfit for a soccer game…luckily I know the weather can only go up from here…

Here are 5 things I found that every soccer mom (and dad) needs:

1. A good chair! I started out our first soccer season with a cheap camp chair. I figured a chair is a chair, so why spend a lot on it! Well, it definitely matters, especially when you sit for 1-2 hours in it! I highly recommend a canopy on the chair as well for rain or shine weather! Oh, and you don’t want a big, heavy chair either because you never know how far the field will be.

2. A big water bottle. Sitting in the heat can really dry you out and I have yet to find a water fountain nearby a field. I prefer to have one that will keep water cold as well. It can be hard to remember water for yourself as you are making sure you have water for your player, but do remember to take care of yourself as well.

3. Claritin for our whole family! Yes spring may mean the weather is finally nice after a (long) winter, but it also means seasonal allergies for many. Being someone who suffers from seasonal outside allergies and having kids that do, I am so grateful for products like Claritin. Claritin helps allergy sufferers like me and my kids get back to enjoying our favorite activities since it helps to relieve our allergy symptoms. My son gets to play soccer and I get to enjoy watching him! I cannot imagine not being able to go watch his game because I’m sneezing or my eyes are itching and watering, thanks to Claritin, I don’t have to worry about my allergies.

Use as directed.

4. Snacks. Again it is important to take care of yourself as well as your player. Oh and if you have other children who get dragged along to their sibling’s games, you want to have a good snack bag to feed everyone. I like to pack a variety of snacks in an insulated bag.

5. A soccer mom (or dad) shirt. Yes this may be cheesy but I love it! I bought mine online but it wouldn’t be hard to make. My son loves that I wear this shirt to his games. Let me say too, it makes for an easy outfit too since I don’t have to think about what I am going to wear to the game!

To inspire families to get outside this spring, Claritin has launched the 20 Minutes of Spring Project to inspire everyone to get outside for at least 20 minutes a day. A survey commissioned by the makers of Claritin found that spending just 20 minutes outside in nature can help make you feel happy. 97 percent of Americans surveyed find that spring is a great season to experience the simple joys that outdoor activities provide.  

And spring is a time where everything is coming alive again after the cold winter and it’s the perfect time to experience the simple joys of outdoor activities.

This spring marks year two of a three-year partnership between Claritin and Boys & Girls Clubs of America, where Claritin has committed up to $500,000 to fund programming and create resources to help get kids outside. 

The first year brought the Play Breaks Guide, which is an outdoor activity resource to help support staff at the 4,300 Clubs in getting their local youth outside and active. This year Claritin provided an Imagination Playground to Boys & Girls Clubs of America at PS 125 in Harlem, NYC to enable kids to get outside and have some fun on the playground.  

Claritin will donate for your Facebook and Instagram posts

Get involved and help the kids of Boys & Girls Clubs of America. It’s simple – post a picture of your favorite family-friendly outdoor spring activity on Facebook or Instagram with both #Claritin and #20MinutesofSpring by June 21, 2018. Every post triggers a $5 donation to Boys and Girls Clubs of America (up to $50,000).

What are your 20 Minutes of Spring activities?

You can learn more at


View Comments

  • During my daughter's soccer years, I completely failed at these tips. Never had a good chair, never remember snacks for my toddler son, never had enough water. And we paid for it. These tips are spot on!

  • I haven't seen a chair like that before but I need one! I am so sun sensitive it isn't funny. The Claritin is a great idea too, never know when someone in our family is just going to be "done" with tree sperm.

  • Very helpful! With my toddler, I feel like snacks are a must anywhere we go! A good chair under shade is important as well (especially with the Florida heat where I live).

  • That's a really awesome initiative from Claritin! I'm happy all the money I've given to them over the years is going to do some good. :)

  • These are all good tips. I remember spending many sneezing weekends outside at my kids' games. Claritin is a must!

  • I never went to a football game without my allergy meds. They are a must for any mom that has kids in sports or band.

  • Great list! I'm a Soccer mom and man, the weather sometimes just doesn't know how to behave. We started British Soccer Camp this morning and I thought she would blow away!

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