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Looking for a gift for that person that has everything? Or maybe you just want to send something special to someone you love? One way to spread the love this holiday season is by sending a beautiful floral arrangement from Teleflora.
This holiday season, Teleflora is celebrating the gift of being together with family and friends near and far with the new campaign, Love Out Loud. By sending a holiday Teleflora Bouquet, you are sending a one-of-a-kind thoughtful gift that keeps on giving thanks to the adorable container the flowers come in!
(All Christmas 2018 bouquets will be available for sale on Teleflora.com beginning November 23, 2018, in standard, deluxe or premium size options.)
(Available on Teleflora.com for $69.99)
Surprise your favorite holiday hostess with a stunning centerpiece brimming with white roses, red carnations, chrysanthemums and fresh winter greens accented with red berries and natural pinecones. This two-in-one gift will be treasured for years to come as it is delivered in a lovely hand-painted oven-to-table, food-safe stoneware serving dish.
(Available on Teleflora.com for $64.99)
Melt everyone’s heart with this cheerful floral arrangement bursting with red roses, red carnations and holiday greens nestled among glittered ornaments and white snow-tipped pinecones. In the true spirit of giving, it arrives in a darling metal pot adorned with a very merry snowman that can be displayed on its own or used as a kitchen utensil holder.
(Available on Teleflora.com for $59.99)
Bring the magic of a white winter forest straight to your home with Teleflora’s enchanting ornament bouquet. With two crimson cardinals perched on snowy birch branches surrounded by white chrysanthemums, red carnations and green accents, this ceramic ornament jar is decorated with a snowy scene that your loved ones will adore for seasons to come.
(Available on Teleflora.com for $49.99)
Make your friends and family feel warm and fuzzy this holiday with a cheerful bouquet filled with a lush array of red carnations, white chrysanthemums and festive greens. As the newest addition to Teleflora’s best-selling Send a Hug®collection, this food-safe ceramic oversized mug with a jolly gingerbread and hand-painted details is perfect for enjoying hot beverages all season long.
(Available on Teleflora.com for $54.99)
Top the nice list during the holidays with this gorgeous floral arrangement. Hand-painted with red berry branches and frosted with a dusting of sparkling glitter along the top, this elegant hand-blown exclusive glass cube captures the distinct beauty of a snowy winter’s day.
This holiday, LOVE OUT LOUD by sending a beautiful floral arrangement by Teleflora—all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. To place your order, please visit www.teleflora.com.
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View Comments
They have the most vibrant and fragrant bouquets that make such gorgeous gifts. I like all of the featured arrangements but the winterberry kisses is my favorite.
These are all such beautiful bouquets! I'd love to give or receive one of these!
I absolutely love Teleflora! Their arrangements are beautiful and a treat for anyone receiving them! These holiday bouquets are no exception. I love the Winterberry Kisses.