
Becoming More Organized in Every Aspect of Life

Life is basically made up of people juggling as many aspects of their lives as they can while trying to enjoy it all along the way. Sometimes we have lull points where not much is going on and we can chill out. Sometimes we have an awful lot on our plates and we need to be focused ninety-nine percent of the time. For some, this kind of challenge is what gets them out of bed in the morning. For others? It can keep them up at night!  

We can try to avoid it as much as we like, but sooner or later we’re going to have lots of things shoveled into our work pile and our personal lives that we have to take care of. If this is the kind of life you thrive on, then good for you – you probably know exactly how to behave and what steps to take. If you’re the type of person that is fairly overwhelmed by things like this, then you need to have a little more organization in your life.

Keeping things neat, tidy and organized is the best way of getting over whatever problems or tasks you face. You could run around like a headless chicken for a while, but sooner or later, it’ll catch up with you and you could find yourself in a bit of a mess.

Everyone has different ways of doing things, so there is no perfect way of operating, but we all have the same fundamental ways of behaving. If you want to have a little more organization and coordination in your life, take a look at some of these ideas.  

Plan Things Out

Like pretty much everything in life, having a clearer view of what’s in front of you will make things much more comfortable. If you have a bunch of stuff to do, whether it’s work or whether it’s errands, it can weigh on your mind and stress you out if you don’t have a little plan of action. You might have a good memory, but when things stack up, they tend to go round and round in your head and worry you more. It doesn’t have to be a heavily detailed written itinerary; just getting things from your brain onto a piece of paper would do the trick.   

Make A Routine

Sometimes falling into a routine and having a set way of doing things can backfire for you as you end up getting comfortable and not wanting to deviate from it, but in a lot of instances, it can keep you on track when you need to get things done. Again, it doesn’t have to be a convoluted sequence of events, just something that you can get into the rhythm of. It may be a little morning routine or something that lasts for the entire day.   

Set Goals

People like completing goals and challenges. It feels good. We love the feeling of achieving something, so why not make little doable goals every single day? When we complete a task, we get some motivation to complete more – it’s a good way of getting more done. As part of the planning, you may have done earlier, you should stick some challenges in for the day. Even something small and seemingly too easy could keep your head clear and motivated.    

Keep A Log Of Events

We’ve talked about having things written down beforehand, now think about keeping a record of your events. Much like we said before, you can only store so much in your head before some of it makes its way out of there! Not everyone has a photographic memory! If you have your completed tasks written down, then you’ll be able to refer back to them when you have a little mind blank.

Have A Clear Workspace

A messy and cluttered area helps absolutely nobody. If you’re at work and your desk is full up with old and unnecessary items, then you should probably give it a clear out and make room for priorities. Work gets done simpler when you know where everything is and you don’t have to rummage around for stuff. This goes beyond your occupation and extends to your domestic life – it’s good to have a place for everything and no clutter around making a nuisance of itself.   

Less Social Media

Pretty much all of us are guilty of delving too deeply into a social media platform these days. We take a look at those without social media and wish we were like them at times. It’s a strange addiction, but it’s one that has swept almost the entire planet. We’re never going to be organized and coordinated if we spend a large portion of the day scrolling. If you are someone who likes Twitter, Instagram or Facebook a little too much, then try to limit your usage. There are little tools you can use on some smartphones that restrict you from accessing them after a certain amount of time – perhaps that’s something to consider.  

Use Technology

It sounds like a bit of a contradiction due to the previous idea, but technology does have its benefits. Nowadays there’s an app for everything, and if you need to be a little more organized in your life, then they’ll be something out there to help you with just that – it can be something as straightforward as a reminder or a progress tracker. As the years have gone by, more and more pieces of software have been made for us. If you need help with something at work, you can find all kinds of systems that are specific to your job. From basic cloud systems to cloud contract management, there are so many things on the market for us to indulge in. If it’s there and affordable, you should definitely take advantage – machines are a lot more consistent than people!       

Get A Good Amount Of Sleep

It may not seem like something to consider when trying to be more organized, but when you have a terrible night’s sleep, you’ll probably end up having a terrible day full of crankiness and little concentration. If you have a bad morning after getting little sleep, you’re probably going to be all over the place – even if you don’t realize. Keeping nice and fresh will keep your brain functioning smoother.

Eat Well

Again, not something that’s tied too closely but essential nonetheless. Your brain needs good food in order to work well, so feed it with all the right stuff. Not eating enough will make, again, make you feel crankier and your concentration will probably fade.

Ask For Help

You can’t do everything yourself. Sure, there will be things that you need to do, but you can delegate some work to others if needs be. For example, if you have lots to do around the house and you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, then you should probably get your spouse, one of the kids, or someone else in the family to take care of it all! You deserve a little rest at least.  

Make Time For Fun Stuff

Finally, you need a little balance in your life. If you constantly have things to do in the week at work or a lot to do domestically, then it can take its toll on you. Life is to be enjoyed too! Make sure you recognize this – having a smile on your face is important. When you have that balance and contentment, you’ll be in a better place for when you have to get back into the grind.      


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