
Thinking Scenario Based Learning?

Well, if you’re planning to inculcate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in your organization’s employees,scenario-based learning is your ideal match. The two skills mentioned can be mastered only by putting employees through real-life scenarios so that they are able to experience the situation better. And, it is scenario-based learning which allows you to do so. It is a principle that can be used in corporate e-learning as it helps learners master the art of decision-making. Learners engage well and are able to try out different versions of solving a particular problem and in turn witness the consequences of their actions without translating them to the real world.

So, if you’re looking forward to creating a scenario-based e-learning course, the following tips will prove to be very handy. Brace yourselves. 

Start with the outcome

Yes, you read that right! As unusual as it may seem, but this is the right way to go. There should be a final, preferable outcome of every scenario. In fact, there can be multiple correct endings too but the aim is to plan them in advance and thinking of each path throughout. So, an effective way to design a scenario-based e-learning course is to start with the outcome, and then work your way towards the beginning. 

Determine the type of content and mode of delivery

It is strongly advised that scenarios in a scenario-based e-learning course must be made as real as possible, so, images, videos, and all of the other resources must obviously be included. Apart from this, you can also include resources such as articles from Wikipedia, forums, and social media groups for discussion. 

On the other hand, when we talk about the method of delivery of such an e-learning course, these can be complemented with traditional classroom-based training and thus, a blended learning model is recommended as it is extremely effective.  

Think outside the box

You don’t want your scenario-based e-learning course to be half made up and partly real, do you? Well, then you must think of something outside the box as coming up with topics for scenario-based learning is not an easy task. Your scenarios must be the ones that comply with real-life situations and the ones which employees can relate to instantly. They must encourage the employee/learner to deploy his/her critical, analytical, and judgemental powers. 

Provide a detailed outline of every path

When getting started with a scenario-based course, always remember that it begins with a problem statement. And, finding a solution to the problem is the main motive of a scenario-based course. The course branches into different paths only after the problem statement depending upon the choices the learner makes. So, make sure to provide a detailed outline of every path while storyboarding the course. With this, you can not only track the flow of the course but also ensure smooth transitions between different scenarios. 

Take guidance from SMEs and other experienced professionals

A subject matter expert or commonly referred to as an SME plays a vital role in the creation of a scenario-based e-learning course. They ensure that the content is accurate, relevant, and realistic. As is, the course should be extremely close to reality and preferably based on real occurrences. Apart from SMEs, you can also take help from other experienced professionals like managers, team leaders, and other senior members in the organization. Their experience is sure to help you in creating your desired course. 

So, follow the aforementioned tips as they will help you create an effective scenario-based e-learning course. Furthermore, you can use various scenario-based learning tools that will assist you in the same. Happy creating! 


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