
Advice on Juggling a New Work Environment and a Newborn

The Covid-19 pandemic has come out of nowhere and caused chaos. Reports state that nearly one-quarter of the world’s population is in lockdown, which means that with all this time at home, a lot of women are getting pregnant! Wow! In America, the ratio is higher as a whopping 75% of Americans are subjected to social distancing measures to prevent the virus from spreading. That means many of you are moving into a new and foreign work environment – a home office.

Working from home is often seen as a perk. However, do it every day for the next three months, and the novelty will soon wear thin. It’s hard to focus and be productive at the best of times. For mothers, you’ve got to introduce a newborn baby into the mix. This makes working tough because the little one always comes first. And, with layoffs happening around the country, it’s not as if you have the safety net of maternity pay to fall back on.

Sadly, the need to work and pay the bills may mean that you need to juggle home and work life in the confines of your house. If you’re wondering how you’re going to cope, there’s no need to fret because this post will outline the hacks that every Mom needs to know moving forward.

Snack Time = Office Hours

Although babies are demanding, there are periods where they don’t do much other than eat and sleep. For the latter, it’s easy to take advantage and try and complete a couple of tasks before they wake up again. However, the former is often seen as something that ties your hands. It’s as if you can’t work if your baby is feeding, but you can if you are organized.

Think about it – all they do is suck from a bottle. Sure, you may have to burp them now and again, but the majority of kids will happily guzzle away until their stomachs are full. Feeding can take as long as thirty to forty minutes, depending on your baby’s appetite. So, once they’ve latched on, reach for the laptop and take a look at emails and correspondence. You’ll find that basic tasks such as these are perfect stop-gaps.

Smartphones and tablets reduce the need for bulky laptops, too. So, it shouldn’t be awkward or uncomfortable for you or your child as long you are both at the correct angle. 

Rely On Your Cell

Mobile devices are varied these days. Whether it’s a laptop, tablet or phone, there are plenty of options at your disposal. Every Mom has a preferred choice, which is fine if it’s accessible. Unfortunately, most devices aren’t child-friendly regarding providing child care and working simultaneously. They all have pros and cons that must be considered before starting your daily routine.

As a rule, though, your cell is going to be a lifesaver. For one thing, it’s sleeker and more portable than the other tools. That means it’s always at hand, and this encourages you to sneak in work activities when you get a spare twenty minutes during periods of inactivity. Also, smartphones come with a mute button. Therefore, you can turn notifications on and off throughout the day. If your baby has only fallen to sleep, you don’t want an email or phone call to wake them up again and divide your time. The “do not disturb” function allows you to tick jobs off your to-do list wherever you are in the house regardless of the situation. Also, don’t forget that exposing your child to multiple devices isn’t healthy, not at such a young age. By using your cell, you can cut screen time and radiation down significantly.

Remember to carry your charger with you in case it runs out of juice.

Don’t Nap When They Do

Read baby books and the number one rule is to sleep when your newborn is asleep. If you do this, your ability to work is severely hampered. So, as long as you’re not exhausted, you should try and keep your eyes open and crack on with a few more projects. Finding ways to multitask is crucial, but you’ll never finish more tasks than when your baby is sleeping.

Doing this during the day is simpler because you’re used to plowing through until bedtime. Still, giving birth is a shock to the system, and you’re going to be tired. So, it may be better to get a good night’s rest and wake up relatively early. That way, you can attempt to get a headstart before your son or daughter opens their eyes. Or, if they wake up early, you should encourage them to nap. Then, you’re ready to get on with your day while there is plenty of sunlight left.

If you do have to catch some Zs, you can set the alarm based on your baby’s sleep patterns. If, for instance, your child has a two-hour nap, sleep for an hour and then get started with work.

Create An Outdoor Nursery

A lockdown is a serious thing. It’s not as if you walk down to the park and keep your newborn occupied. On the flip side, being cooped up all day will send you crazy and limit your ability to earn money as a Mother. It’s a tricky situation because there aren’t many hacks on the table, but there is one if you have a garden – an outdoor nursery.

Thankfully, the pandemic is taking place during spring and not winter. The weather is a lot nicer, as a result, and it’s not as cold. For anybody on the west coast, you don’t have to worry about the temperature! With that in mind, an outside office with a nursery is an excellent addition to your home. There are lots of things to buy for your baby when they arrive in this world, but a crib, bouncer seat or swing are at the top of the list right now. The fresh air, combined with toys, should keep them comfy and engaged, not to mention healthy, while you get out of stuffy surroundings.

Everyone will be happier for being outside. And, with your baby likely to be less crabby and needy, it gives you more leeway to complete the essential tasks. This is an expansion on working while feeding, but the environment is nicer and you get more space to operate.

Be Honest With Everyone

Working at home and being a Mom isn’t something you should hide. Yes, it’s not ideal in this current climate, yet nothing is embarrassing about trying to find a balance between home and the office. With that in mind, it’s essential to be open and honest with everybody. 

Firstly, this is a reference to clients and colleagues. Letting them know that you may have to leave the meeting for a couple of minutes isn’t the end of the world. If anything, people are more likely to understand because everyone’s routine has been turned on its head. Also, you’ll be surprised by how many clients and coworkers are flexible and accommodating. Next, it’s time to have a talk with your husband. The chances are that they are working from home, too. If this is the case, their job shouldn’t come before yours. After all, it’s equally important for you to focus on other things as it is for them to bond with their child.

All it takes is a schedule or rota. You, for example, may take the morning shift and work in the afternoon, while they do the opposite.

Remember that Covid-19 won’t last forever. So, even if you’re finding it hard, you just need to battle on a little longer!


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