Categories: Spark

Bippity, Boppity, Boo! Your House Is Now Your Home

Transforming your house into a home might not be the easiest task as there are so many elements that need to come together. A home is a place that you feel most comfortable, a place that you feel safe, and one of your favorite places in the world. To get to this point, though, you’re going to have to make a lot of changes to the house that you probably just moved into. Don’t worry if you don’t own the house, though, because there are still plenty of changes that you could make without permission as they aren’t permanent. If you want to know more about this, keep reading down below.

Transform Your Garden

One of the things that you’re going to have to do is transform your garden. Your house is never truly going to be your home until you manage to tame the garden. Something that a lot of people do is leave it so that the grass grows up to your knees, and then it’s too much, and you don’t want to deal with the hassle of it anymore, but this is the wrong way to go. Instead, just keep on top of it and ensure that it doesn’t get to a point where you no longer want to keep up with it. Cut the grass every couple of weeks, pull out the weeds from the cracks where you see them, and water the plants. It’s really as simple as this, and there’s not that much more to it unless you make it so.

It’s never nice to know that you can’t head outside into your garden when it’s hot or when you want to go outside because you haven’t been keeping up with it. It just leaves an area of your home where you aren’t comfortable, and this isn’t really a home at all.

Personal Items Everywhere

Another thing that turns a house into a home is having your personal items all over the place. It marks the place as yours, and there is no mistaking who lives here when your stuff is in all the rooms. For example, this could be things such as your dining table and chairs, as well as all your other furniture. But, we also mean things like personal photos of your friends and family. There is no home if it is not the one place that you feel most comfortable in the world, and putting up photos of those you love is a great way to start this.

Or, if there are any family heirlooms that you have, then these should be around also. If someone in your family has given you something that you love or made something that you adore, these will give the feeling of home. It’s an excellent way to make sure you feel those that you love around you all the time, and it helps bring a warm atmosphere into your home.

Create The Perfect Bedroom

You’re going to want an awesome place to sleep because a good night of rest is important to have a good day. If you’ve ever heard of the expression getting out of the wrong side of the bed, you know this is true. If you don’t have an awesome bed and mattress, getting a good night of sleep is going to be virtually impossible. You should take a look through all of the mattress options that are available to you and then look at reviews that will help you decide between puffy vs. purple, for example. Each brand has its own merits, but it depends on what is going to be most beneficial for you.

As well as this, you should think about what color you want to have your room, what kind of storage you want to be in there, and anything else that you want to be included in your bedroom. If you think about it, what kind of things would there need to be included for it to be dubbed the best room ever. Now that you have a room that you control, you can make this dream come true.

Think About The Kitchen

A kitchen isn’t important to everyone, but it sure is important to some, and if it is for you, then you’ve got to think about the kitchen. Update it if you want to, but make sure that you don’t do anything that can’t be changed without permission. Your landlord would have a field day with this, but if you own the property, then it doesn’t matter. If you own the property, then make all the changes that you want, and talk to a contractor to see what they can do. They will be able to give you advice on the best things that you can do to make your kitchen the way you want it to be.

If you spend a lot of time in your kitchen, then it has to be perfect for you. You don’t want the same kitchen that someone else has used all this time, so changing it might be good for you. If you’re on a budget, then you don’t have to go all out, just make small changes here and there that create a big impact.

Mirror, Mirror!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s got the best home of all? That’s going to be you once you’ve set everything up, and it’s very rare to go into a home and not see a single mirror in sight. You might want to ensure that you can check your outfit one last time before you head out the door, so you need one downstairs. You’re also going to need one in your bedroom, and spare rooms that you have for when guests come, and then in the bathroom for people getting ready. It doesn’t mean you’re vain if you have mirrors all over your house, but for some reason they just give the place a more homey feel. It’s probably because you see yourself in the home all the time, and you realize that this is the place you love and live.

Get Everything Fixed Up

If there are any problems with the house, then you should get them fixed up as soon as possible. Any holes in the walls should be filled, and mold should be gotten rid of, if there is anything wrong with the roof then call someone out to fix it, etc. etc. You are going to feel so much more like this place is your home if everything is in the best possible condition. Whatever work you can’t complete on your home is going to have to be handed to a specialist, but this shouldn’t be an issue. Again, if you’re on a budget, then you should prioritize what needs doing. The most important goes first, and work your way down to the bottom when you can afford it until everything is done.

All the small repairs though you can do by yourself. It’s not difficult to head to your local DIY store and pick up some of the things that you need to complete certain tasks around the home. We bet that once everything is fixed up, your house is going to feel more like your home than ever, even more so if you have done some of the work yourself.

Let The Light In

One of the things that is always advised of people who are going to be selling their homes is to let the natural light in, but this is important for those living there too. The reason for this is that the light makes the space open up more and can even bring a new vibe to the home. If you have large windows, then let the light stream in rather than trying to cover it up, unless there is a reason for this. Don’t try to get rid of skylights if there are some installed because they make everything feel more open. You don’t want your home to feel closed off, and this is exactly what’s going to happen if you have the place in darkness.

Hire Some Help

We mentioned hiring help briefly in the fixing up section of this post, but you can also hire an interior decorator to help create a more homely feel in the house. They are trained experts who know what kind of things to do, and if you tell them what reminds you of home, they will be able to bring it to this house. It can be expensive to do it this way, but if you’re not very good with creative things and you’re looking for something that helps you create the perfect home, then this could be what you’ve been looking for.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see that if you follow the advice above, your house is going to turn into your home. Good luck, and hopefully, by the time you are finished, it’s going to be your favorite place in the world.


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