
3 Reasons to Prioritize Your Mental Health As a Working Mom

Being a working mom can be tough. Balancing a full-time job with your parenting duties while making time for other relationships and hobbies can be overwhelming at times. Whether you are a single mother or you have a supportive partner, the fact is the female partner does take on a greater role in the domestic realm. Understandably, the pressure that comes with trying to fulfill so many duties successfully can take a toll on your mental health. Although the importance of mental health is now becoming something we talk about more openly in society, it’s still something many working moms are failing to prioritize.

If this all sounds all too familiar, it’s time to take action. This could mean simply spending a little time focusing on self-care, dedicating a few hours each week for exercise, or speaking to a professional to see how one-on-one counselling helps with mental health. Whatever options you choose to pursue, here are some good reasons why you should prioritize your mental health as a working mom: 

Your Mental Health Affects Your Physical Health

Believe it or not, there is a strong correlation between mental stress and physical ailments. If you are suffering from anxiety, for instance, this could manifest in a number of ways, such as causing various muscle pains, stomach conditions, or headaches. If you are mindful you may start to notice the physical implications of a particularly stressful time at work. Something as simple as practicing meditation could make you feel better both physically and mentally. 

It Improves Your Ability to Focus At Work

Being preoccupied affects your ability to focus and get things done. As a working mom, you need to be focused both at home and at work. If you want to succeed in the workplace you need to have the focus to get ahead and at home, there is much more to tackle including helping the kids with their homework or simply keep the smaller ones out of danger. Mental health conditions often result in people struggling to sleep at night, which impacts these aspects of their lives. Looking after your mental health will mean better sleep patterns, reducing irritability and increasing your ability to concentrate at work. 

Good Mental Health Will Mean Better Social Interactions With Your Children

As a mother, you’ll always want to do what is best for your child. Looking after your mental health will mean you are likely to be better placed to interact socially with your children. You’ll have more patience when it comes to helping them with their studies and you’ll generally be less irritable. Having parents that are kind and approachable is also incredibly important for children as they grow up as it’ll mean that they can open up to you when it comes to their own stress as well.

Balancing a high-pressure job with motherhood is no walk in the park. However, looking after your mental health will have huge benefits not only for you personally as well as for the family in general.  To avoid burnout, take the time to take care of mental health by determining which treatment is best for you by deciding whether you go to a mental health counselor vs a psychologist.


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  • Hello Cher! I agree with your point that “balancing a full-time job with parenting duties and making time for other activities is a really tough job”. And being a single mother, it’s really important to take care of everything including mental and physical health. Thanks for sharing this blog!

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