Child-proofing your home is something that you want to do as soon as you can. As your child grows, they become more inquisitive and therefore want to explore your home. There’s certainly a danger or two that’s present in your home and that you might not necessarily think about when it comes to your property. Here are some tips to child-proof your home.
Put Down Rugs
Rugs are soft cushions for your children if they accidentally go flying or trip over. It’s better for their chin or knees to hit a soft rug than a hard, wooden floor. Not only do they provide safety, but they also give you and your loved ones plenty of extra warmth and comfort. It’s worth it to buy area rugs that you can have around the home in order to provide that extra padding for your children as they roam around the house. There’s likely to be a few tears and bruises if your children do have an accident, but at least it won’t be as painful as it would be on harder floors. For some households, the wooden flooring is something that’s not necessarily an option to pull up and replace. There might not be enough of a budget for some households either, so a rug is an alternative to this.
Get Rid Of Sharp Edges
Sharp edges can cause harm, and so it’s important to get rid of these when you have young children that could fall into them. This can cause serious damage, but thankfully there’s plenty of little accessories you can attach to furniture so that you don’t have to get rid of pieces you love and if necessary, you may want to block certain areas off.
Lock Cupboard Doors
Cupboard doors can be an opportunity to explore for the little ones, and so it’s important to keep them locked where you can. There’s plenty of options that will help keep these doors sealed and away from curious hands. You can fit a lock on it if necessary, and for any dangerous items, it’s good to keep everything above. Make sure it’s all out of reach so that you can be safe in the knowledge that if they were to get into a rogue cupboard, there’s nothing in there that will hurt them.
There are lots of lock options though online that are worth looking at.
Time Your Heating Right
You want to be careful when you time your heating because kids like to lean their body or hands on the radiators as they go about the room. It’s good to time your heating so that it comes on during times in the day and evening where your children won’t be up, or you’ll be giving them a bath or feeding them. Make sure the radiators are on very low or off during those times where they’re wandering around the house.
These tips are sure to keep your home safe. Use these tips to child-proof your home effectively.
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