
How To Choose Baby Formula

When a family has a baby, mom and dad are ready to do everything to make sure that he is not sick, feels well, grows and develops. However, nature does not always give us this opportunity.

The mother’s lack of breast milk is not a tragedy. It is possible to nurse the baby and saturate his body with vitamins with the help of a formula, Serenity Kids has a great article about formula to check out. It does not matter what brand you use. You need to choose a formula that your baby “likes”, and you can tell by the reaction of the baby’s body.

It is important to remember that artificial feeding is not a substitute for breast milk, but it is a good alternative if necessary. Parents should find out what a formula is in general, what quality criteria should be considered and use common sense to choose it for a baby who is not suitable for breastfeeding for one reason or another.

Some mothers think that formula and breast milk are not fundamentally different for the baby. However, this is not true. The industry has not yet invented nutrition that would be completely similar to mother’s milk. But if you had to switch to formula, do not despair.

The disadvantages of such a diet are insignificant to worry about the health of the baby, but the pluses are substantial: feeding from a bottle is quite a convenient option. Your breasts no longer experience problems like lactastasis or mastitis. In addition, the bottle has divisions that allow you to determine how much formula your baby eats. This will help control his weight gain. It’s easier to go out for a walk with a baby that’s formula-fed. Give a bottle to a baby sitting in a stroller, and you combine feeding with walking.

Feeding from a bottle will sometimes allow mom to be away from home without psychological trauma for the baby. A bottle is practically a substitute for the breast, so the baby is not as acutely affected by your absence and will stay home with Dad or Grandma.

Milk formula is more nutritious and takes longer to digest, so your baby sleeps better at night and wakes up less often. You will not have to worry about eating strawberries or yogurt with additives, which can affect the baby’s skin in the form of allergies. Switching to artificial nutrition allows mom to eat anything.

Kinds Of Baby Formula

Let’s find out what this dry substance is, which perfectly nourishes our children. It is made according to the strictest requirements. Dairy formula usually contains milk from a cow or goat. Lactose-free formulas contain soy protein, which is well tolerated by children with casein allergies.

And of course remember that it is better to buy formula after consulting your pediatrician, who will advise you on the best option.

The consistency of formula can be different

  • Liquid formula. With this product, you do not have to measure out the right amount of water – this mixture is completely ready and only needs to be heated. It (200 ml) is placed in a tetra pack-pack. It is suitable for a newborn when mixed feeding, as well as for those who are fully on artificial nutrition.
  • Dry formula. The most popular and long known. It is easy to store, transport and dose. It is also easy to prepare – you add boiled water according to the instructions and feed your baby. You will find it on sale formulas both  in packages (cheaper) and in tins (more expensive).

A specific formula must be chosen for each age of the child

As the baby grows and his digestive tract develops and strengthens, it is recommended that he should choose a mix that is exactly right for his age, as the need for nutrients begins to increase.

The number “0” on the package usually means that the formula is intended for complementary feeding toddlers. If formula marked “1” on the box was used for newborns, you should switch to “2,” “3,” and so on as you get older. You won’t get confused because the number is always followed by the child’s age in brackets.

“0” or “Pre” prefix – a formula with this label is suitable for weakened and premature infants as well as newborns. It contains healthy vitamins, minerals, whey protein and a sufficient number of calories.

  • “1” – used for artificial feeding from birth to six months;
  • “2” – suitable from six months to one year;
  • “3” – used for feeding older children (from one year and up).

To choose a baby formula for infants, all you need is advice from your pediatrician. For older children, the formula will help them gradually adapt to full-flavored cow’s milk and saturate their bodies with some additional nutrients that they would have received while breastfeeding.

Looking For The Composition Of Formulas

Most formulas are made from cow’s milk, which is subjected to special processing. For children of different ages, a different technology of casein processing is used. This divides mixtures into adapted, not-adapted and half-adapted.

The best formula for newborns. It is undoubtedly the adapted one. For this kind of nutrition, cow’s milk serum is completely purified of harmful impurities. At the same time, it is additionally saturated with vitamins, micronutrients, nucleotides and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is the lightest, most easily absorbed, and nutritious, because it is very similar to mother’s milk.

From six months of age and older, casein-based or non-adapted formula can be used for artificial feeding. When buying, pay attention to the composition. In some non-adapted formulas, the manufacturer adds the same valuable substances as in adapted formulas.

Others are less nutritious. They may be low in taurine (needed for vision) or fatty acids.
Casein milk formulas are considered “heavier” than adapted formulas without casein, so they are not suitable for newborns.

Goat’s milk formula

Due to the properties of goat’s milk, the formula forms soft, small cottage cheese flakes in the baby’s stomach, which are easily digested like mother’s milk. The main advantage of goat milk proteins is the high content of A2 protein (casein), which is easily digested and improves intestinal microflora. Unlike cow’s milk, goat’s milk has almost no complex protein α-s1-casein, so it is digested 5-6 times faster. A peculiarity of goat’s milk are small, evenly distributed fat globules. They are enriched with medium-chain triglycerides, which are quickly absorbed in the intestine and provide energy for the baby.

Hypoallergenic Formula

Hypoallergenic formula is suitable for children who are prone to allergic reactions. They contain milk protein which has already been broken down by enzymes. If a baby has a complete intolerance to milk protein, a hypoallergenic product will not work. Then a soy-based lactose-free formula is prescribed.

A Formula With Lactic Acid Bacteria

If your baby is over 7 months of age with digestive problems, this formula is the best. It also helps fight dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics. In such antireflux, nutrition is lacto- and bifidobacteria, and starch or gum acts as a thickener.

Iron-Containing Formula

If a baby over 4 months of age lacks iron in his blood (anemia) because he is not breastfed, feeding such mixtures will help him oxygenate his blood. Just remember that this is not a therapeutic formula, but an additional component to increase hemoglobin.

Fresh Mixture

It is perfectly assimilated and used for children from birth to six months, as it does not contain lactic acid bacteria or any additives.

What Products Should Be Avoided In Baby Formula

The value of many baby food ingredients is questioned, given their harmfulness to young children. To some of these ingredients, we want to draw your attention.

1. Gluten

What is wrong with this plant protein, which is found in most cereals? This substance is basically badly broken down in some children’s bodies, which can provoke the development of such a disease as “celiac disease” (gluten enteropathy). But this is not a complete picture. Because gluten is an “insidious” substance, it interferes with the absorption of many beneficial substances through the intestine and without the specific disease. The adult body can cope with its presence, with more or less success. But children’s foods containing gluten are highly undesirable!

2. Palm Oil

The oil is melted at high temperature, and for this reason it not only loses most of its nutrients, but also stops being absorbed completely. Pediatricians advise feeding your child a diet without palm oil, because then your child will experience constipation, upset, metabolism, or excessive gas. Palm oil is high in cholesterol, and that means extra weight and heart disease.

3. Glodin

This is a substance found in the shell of cereals, which causes the intestinal villi to die. These villi are necessary for the absorption of nutrients in the body, in fact, they are responsible for the nutrition of our body.

4. Sugar

Sugar can be quite a dangerous product for young children. As it turns out, this substance provokes a lack of B vitamins in children’s bodies, which are extremely important for normal digestion and absorption of carbohydrate-containing products.

Balanced nutrition plays the most important role in a baby’s healthy development and improves sleep quality. Organics Best helps many parents worldwide provide organic formula for their newborns and toddlers. 

We hope that the above-mentioned types of formula will help you make the right choice for the health and development of your baby.


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