
Advice for Juggling Parenting & a Nursing Career

Nursing is a career that often appeals to moms, and it is easy to see why. Moms are always caring by nature, and nursing is a role that is all about providing medical care but also emotional support. Moms can make for excellent nurses and vice versa, but it is also important to note that both roles are extremely demanding, and this can make them difficult to manage. There are a few career and lifestyle tips for nurses with kids, whether you currently work in nursing or you are looking to make a career change. So, if you are currently a nurse or thinking of becoming one, then read on for advice that should help.

Let Your Boss Know Your Situation But Don’t Expect Special Treatment

It is a good idea to let your boss know that you have kids at home, but you should not expect any special treatment because of this. Many of your fellow nurses and other healthcare professionals will be in the same situation as you, but it is helpful to let them know your situation so that this can be considered when it comes to scheduling and if you have any emergency situations that arise.

Try Swapping Shifts Where Possible

Leading on from this, you should find that swapping shifts with other nurses is possible if you ever need to be there for your family instead of working. You do not want to get into a habit of asking, but for important situations, this is an option that can work out well. Of course, you must be willing to repay the favor, but if you have other nurses that are parents, then you can usually work something out between you.

Try To Work Out Childcare Options With Colleagues

One good option for scheduling and looking after your kids is to speak with other parents about childcare. You could agree to look after their kids and your own while they work and then have them look after your kids while you have a shift – this will mean that there will always be someone that can look after your kids, it can help you to develop friendships at work and it can also benefit your kids and give them more friends as well, so it is a win-win situation. If this does not work out for whatever reason, you can ask your colleagues what they do about childcare and if they have any recommendations.

Consider Part-Time Hours

Nursing can be an incredibly demanding role with long and antisocial hours. This is why you may want to consider part-time hours if possible, which would give you much more time to spend with the kids as well as reduce stress. Obviously, this will not be possible for everyone as you may need to earn a full-time salary, but if not, then it is seriously worth considering part-time hours to provide a healthier work-life balance and so that you have more energy. 

Plan Your Time Off With The Kids

Time management is a vital skill when you are a nurse and a parent, and you will need to plan your time off with your kids so that you can make the most out of this time. You will want to plan fun activities that you can do as a family as well as make time to help them with homework, check in with them to see how they are doing, and generally enjoy spending time with them. 

Lean On Your Support Network

As a nurse and a parent, you are taking on two of the most demanding yet important roles that there is. This is why you need to be able to lean on your support network both in terms of practical support and emotional support. Asking a partner, parent, other family members, or friends for support can make a big difference in your life and lighten the load. You should find that a support network can help with childcare, cleaning the house, cooking, laundry, and other chores that can be hard to fit into a jam-packed schedule. You should also never shy away from reaching out for emotional support if you need it – nursing can be a stressful, demanding, and upsetting role that can feel a lot more stressful when you have kids to take care of as well. 

Don’t Neglect Your Own Health

Following on from this, it can be easy to neglect your own health when you are working as a nurse and have small kids to look after. While it might seem less important than caring for others, you will find that good health is essential for being able to provide a high level of care and for your own wellbeing. Therefore, it is important to make your own health a priority. Nursing is an active role, but you will also want to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and will keep you in shape. In addition to this, you need to make sure that you are getting as much sleep as possible and maintaining a healthy diet. There are ways to save time when trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, such as high-intensity exercise and/or exercise that you can do at home and using meal prep as a way to save time while maintaining a healthy diet. 

Take An Accelerated Nursing Program

Becoming a registered nurse can take a long time, which can put off moms that are thinking about a career change. Fortunately, there is a good solution in the form of accelerated nursing programs. These intensive, full-time programs can be completed within two years, and this will appeal to those that are looking to start a second career or simply anyone that wants to start working as a registered nurse as soon as possible. The program will be intensive and is largely online with a short in-person requirement, so it can be ideal for busy moms and the fastest route to find work as a registered nurse.

Schedule Your Sleep

As mentioned before, you need to try and get as much sleep as you can, but this is not easy when you work shifts and often at night. This is why you need to schedule your sleep ahead of time and prioritize this. Sleep is incredibly important for your health, energy levels, and overall wellbeing, and you are not doing anyone any favors by not getting enough sleep. It can take some getting used to, but you will work out how to get sleep as a nurse, and there are a few tips and tricks like using blackout blinds and earplugs, meditating before trying to sleep, trying to sleep when your children sleep, and mastering the art of taking naps

Explain Your Work To Your Kids

It can be tough as a nurse when you have to work when your kids are off school, which is why it is important to explain your work to them and the importance of what you are doing. You need to put your family first, but also understand that there will have to be sacrifices made, and this can be upsetting both for you and your kids. When you are able to get them to understand the importance of your work and that you are helping people that are sick and even saving lives, they should understand, and you may also find that they see you as some kind of hero which can be a great feeling.

Find Ways To De-Stress

Stress levels can be high when working as a nurse, as you will be working in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment. Obviously, being a mom is also a stressful role, so it can feel like you are getting it with both barrels at times. This is why it is vital that you find ways to de-stress that will help to reduce your stress levels and help you to keep a cool head both at work and at home. There are many effective ways to de-stress, such as:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Hobbies
  • Pampering
  • Exercise
  • Spending time in nature
  • Spending time with loved ones

Additionally, if you ever feel overwhelmed and/or are worried about your mental health, then you should reach out to a professional for support. There will be resources available through work, and it is common for nurses to seek mental health support due to the nature of their work. This can make a big difference to your life, career, and parenting, so it is worth seeking if you ever feel the need.

Take Time For Yourself

Following on from this, you should also make sure that you are making time for yourself and feel no guilt about this. Nursing and parenting are incredibly demanding, but everyone needs some time for themselves for their own wellbeing. Obviously, this is easier said than done, and you can’t simply take yourself off on holiday for a week, but there are always ways to make time for yourself, even if this is just going for a walk, taking a long bath, or catching up on TV with a glass of wine after the kids have gone to bed. These are the times when you can fully unwind, recharge your batteries, and de-stress, so they are important for your own health and wellbeing.

Set Work Boundaries

One of the most important steps to take to maintain a healthy work-life balance as a nurse is setting work boundaries. There are a few ways that you can do this, such as not being afraid of saying no to overtime or work that will infringe on your personal life. You should also avoid taking calls and checking emails once you are off the clock and try to avoid talking too much about work at home. This will make your time off feel much longer and less stressful and give you the mental energy to fully focus on being a good mom. 

Find Solutions To Household Chores

Juggling work, parenting, socializing, leading a healthy lifestyle, and household chores can feel like one too many juggling balls, and it is often chores that are deemed the least important. While they may not be as important as other areas, you will find that neglecting household chores can impact your quality of life and take its toll on your mental health. Therefore, it is important to find solutions that will make this area of life easier to manage. Fortunately, there are lots of ways that you can do this, such as:

  • Getting the kids to help out with basic chores
  • Hiring a cleaner
  • Asking friends and family to help with tasks
  • Meal prep
  • Using a robot vacuum
  • Using a dishwasher
  • Having food shopping delivered

Focus On The Benefits

It is easy to feel disheartened when you are trying to juggle a nursing career with parenting, which is why it is important to focus on the benefits. A career in nursing can be incredibly rewarding, and you get the sense of pride that comes with knowing that you are improving and even saving lives each day. Additionally, working as a nurse allows you to put food on the table and have your own life beyond looking after the kids. Not only this, but you will also find that being a nurse is incredibly handy when you have kids as you will know how to look after them when they are hurt or sick, and this can provide peace of mind. 

Hopefully, this post will be informative and help any parent that is a nurse or thinking of pursuing a career in nursing. Nurses can make excellent parents and vice versa, but you are also taking on two incredibly demanding roles, and you will need to know how to manage and excel in both areas. It can take some getting used to, but it is possible to thrive as a parent and as a nurse when you have to juggle both, and this can give you a real sense of purpose in life. 


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