When I was in college and of course of legal drinking age, we drank mainly at our apartment or the one bar within walking distance. I remember many nights of walking home in the cold because we knew better than to drive but needed a break from our crowded apartment.
Today’s young adults are so lucky to have car services like Uber where with a touch of a button on an app you can get a safe and reliable ride home. No more worrying if you have alcohol in your system or if your friend who says they are good to drive are actually in fact good to drive. There really is no more excuses for drinking and driving, not that there were any acceptable ones before.
What happens if you do drink and drive?
You could hurt yourself or someone else, worse yet have a fatal accident.
Your life and others lives will change if something happens. You may not realize how many people can be affected by one person’s poor decision.
You could owe a big fine and have your license taken away, which again will also impact others in your life who now have to drive you or help you financially.
You will need a lawyer to help you sort everything out. Live near Pasadena? A Car Accident Lawyer in Pasadena can help you but definitely will cost you.
The final point I have is that you have options now to not drink and drive so just err on the safe side and be smart about getting home.
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