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Question: What age is appropriate to take a child to see their first movie at a movie theater?
By: Gopi Patel, MSE.d Special Educator
I think it’s less about age and more depends on how much your child enjoys a movie or TV.
Can your child sit for more than 15 -20 minutes for tv/movie or does he loose focus after the first 5 minutes? Also, I would ask myself is my child scared of the dark.
You can try taking your child to the movies but also have a realistic expectation of maybe leaving the movie theater early or even after a half-an-hour.
A few tricks that may hold a child out longer…
- Get a small snack at the beginning.
- Have a few spare-snacks and take out ‘the reserves’ in the middle of the movie.
- Pick movies that have characters your child enjoys and are not just cartoons
Off to the movies you go…Good Luck!
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