Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Yeah Right, I’ll Smile!

Note to self:  Don't ask daughter to smile when she has food in her mouth!

10 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: My Son’s Goldfish Swim School Birthday Party #GoldfishSwim

My son turned 7 and we decided to have his birthday party at his swim school, Goldfish in St. Charles,…

10 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: Annual Birthday Dinner at 2Toots!

Of course I completely missed the train in the picture, but this is our favorite restaurant for birthdays and as…

10 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: My Brother & His Beard

This is my brother's new hat...or should  I say beard?

10 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: Miley Cyrus Was With Us Christmas Morning!

Well, not really but my little one was sticking her tongue out and reminded me of Miley!

11 years ago

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