Categories: Reviews

Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor Review

I remember when I was little having a lot of ear infections, but luckily none were too serious and I recovered just fine. So far my boys (26 months and 9 months) have yet to have an ear infection, but with the history my husband and I have one can never be too prepared. Also, not that I don’t think my children’s health is worth it, but that $15 co-pay I have to pay for each doctor visit plus the inconvenience adds up. To monitor for fluid in your child’s ear you can do it safely and comfortably in your home by using the Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor.

Since I am not too familiar on ear infections, I read about them more on Earcheck’s website:

  • Many children with chronic middle ear fluid can have some degree of temporary hearing loss, which can lead to speech delays, reading delays, and learning disabilities even after the condition is corrected.
  • Some children experience a sensation of ear fullness or “popping.” I am sure this is an awful and scary feeling for a child.
  • Common signs of an ear infection include: Fluid in middle ear, runny/stuffy nose or cough, irritability, pulling or rubbing of their ear, decrease in appetite, and fever.
  • Uses gentle sound waves to accurately (and painlessly) detect middle ear fluid. If there is fluid the eardrum’s vibrations may be restricted and will not send sound back to the Earcheck’s built-in processor.
  • Has 3 levels: Fluid Unlikely, Monitor, and Consult a Doctor.
  • Very easy to use as you only need to push one button while you place the Earcheck in the ear canal. This way you can use your other hand to comfort your child.

How does one get an ear infection? Well young children are more likely to have middle ear fluid because Eustachian tubes in their ears are shorter, narrower, and more horizontal than adults. Infected fluids from the nose and throat may then reach the middle ear more easily and become inflamed and infected. (I do want to mention though that it is possible that it is possible to for fluid to be present in the middle ear without an active infection.)

Luckily I was given the opportunity to check out Earcheck and I could see it really coming in handy throughout their lives as it can be used from 6 months to young adult. Now I can painlessly and accurately detect the presence of middle ear fluid in seconds, the main factor in an ear infection, so I can make the decision if I need to call my pediatrician right away. The Earcheck also allows me to have more meaningful conversations with my pediatrician both before, during, and after an ear infection. It is also nice to narrow down possible illnesses when determining what is wrong with my child.

Earcheck should be used whenever your child shows signs of a possible ear infection, has a cold, or suffers frequently from ear infections. The nice thing is that since Earcheck takes only seconds and is convenient you can use anytime. It is also nice to use to monitor ear infections to see if the fluid is going down or progressing. I was also impressed that Earcheck uses the “same patented and proven acoustic reflectometry technology used by thousands of physicians since 1997 and is a technique recommended by the American Academies of Pediatrics and Family Physicians.”

Now I of course would always recommend calling your pediatrician, I mean that is what they get paid for, but at least with the Earcheck you have a piece of mind. Earcheck has been mentioned and featured in numerous media outlets of TV news, magazines, and newspapers.
Read more about Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor here.

Or if you would like to purchase it, you can do so at the Earcheck website, or it is also carried at Wal*Mart, CVS, and Babies ‘R’ Us. Hey, you could even add this to a baby registry so you have it. I highly recommend this product although I hope it is never needed. I look at though since I have it, my kids probably will stay healthy! (If I didn’t have it, I would need it!)

(I let Aidan hold it first to see that it wasn’t scary.)

Oh and guess what? I have a 20% off coupon code if you purchase at Use coupon code “TWEET20”


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