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My husband asked me "Do You Do Drugs?"

The other day my husband was watching the kids for about 45 minutes while I did the laundry, vacuumed and mopped (yeah he had the easy job) and when I was done, he asked me” Do you do drugs doing the day?” I smiled and laughed. He was just so amazed that I take care of our two boys (11 months and 28 months) all day and I still have my sanity! Now there are times when I cry and feel like hiding from the kids, but then I think of all the happy times and how they make me laugh.

Parent Bloggers Network have teamed up Windex to introduce their new Outdoor All-In One glass cleaning tool and with they have asked bloggers to show their best view. My best view is defiantly when my boys are playing together. Gavin, my youngest, is now able to sit up and crawl after his brother and he can play with toys better now. Aidan is slowly getting better at sharing and I think he really enjoys having someone to play with. When I leave the room to do something and come back and see the two of them sitting together on the floor playing with cars or blocks, it really touches me. I can’t help but smile and tear up! I know they may grow apart when they get older and they make run in different circles, but for now they are just two brothers who know that they have each other!


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  • My boys are older now however I remember clearly, with them being 16 months apart, how tired I was during the day. I longed for a Power Nap during the day to get more energy to last the day. Salvation is near!! SleepAid Records have a solution for us now with controlled napping time for adults fo up to 60 minutes with a soothing nature sounds to fall asleep to and then a subtle wake-up tone. They are also available on iTunes, Amazon, eMusic and more. Finally something drug free to energize busy moms!!

  • Yeah, my husband thinks I do drugs, too, but not because of how I take care of our daughter...

    Your boys are precious, by the way!

  • Sweet baby boys! Glad to hear your husband acknowledged all you do!

  • LOL! My husband acknowledges that he prefers going to work outside in the 100+ degree heat and dealing with all the characters there, rather than stay at home to watch our son! It's a tough job!

  • How awesome. My boys are like that but much farther in age. However, DS#2 adores his twin sister so I love those tender moments. Though she is usually the one taking care of him. So awesome!

  • I love that last pic.. how absolutely adorable. I just love babies in diaper shirts.. such cute little bums, but to see both boys side by side, that's sweet.

    FYI, I had a hard time finding the post a comment link. It was in a weird spot. :)

  • I often go insane with my one 2-year old daughter, so I always commend any mother that has more then one little one (especially so close in age), but still it's got to be wonderful more then aggravating and I can't wait to give my daughter a sibling and watch them play together like I got to with my sister. Love the post.

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