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To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

Okay so I signed up for Twitter awhile ago, but I never really used it. Today since I was procrastinating all the reviews and giveaways I need to write up, I decided to give Twitter a go! Now I am addicted! I just kept clicking and linking and got lost in the Twitter World!

Also, I posted a Twitter Bird on the left (and below) so you can follow me and I posted an entry with code to copy for all my Giveaways.

Does anyone have any tips or hints for me? Like what does #, @, and all the other Twitter language hints mean? What kind of stuff do you tweet about?

Oh and when contests ask for you to post your Tweet URL, what does that mean?

Follow Me and I’ll Follow You!


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  • Oh, and you can use Tweetdeck- I like it much better than just twitter since you can watch different search words at the same time. It helps when you join a twitter party!

  • Thanks for following me, I'm following you now too.

    Also another thing I don't know if you know about is
    You can set it up so that it will post your blog updates automatically to Twitter.

  • Well, I can see you got your questions answered!! I have not had a whole lot of time to twitter, but I try to get on every couple of days or so... It totally can be addicting, so I try to limit my time, LOL!

  • I am now following you on twitter. The #'s are sometimes parties. If you are interested in a particular one when you see it you can just ask. Make sure you add the hashtag (#word) to get a response! Twitter is great have fun.

  • I need more on what hashtags are? I still don't understand but I sure know how to twwet sweeps.

  • Yep...addictive. I've slowed down a bit though. To post your tweet URL for a contest entry and what not just click on the "updated 5 seconds ago" or whatever and it will take you to the permalink for the tweet.

    On your twitter page's sidebar if you click on @(yourtwittername) it will show anyone who has included your twitter name in their tweet.

    Have fun tweeting! I'm following you now!

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