

My three year old is in pre-school right now and it seems like every week there is something being sent home about school fundraisers.  Now don’t get me wrong, I think fundraising is a great way to help your school raise money, without raising tuition or cutting programs and events, but it does seem like there is a lot of them going on.  There are though some great fundraisers going on that I would have never thought of before.

When I was in school, since I was at a private Catholic school we too had fundraisers to support the school and keep tuition down, but we did boring events and the same ones every year.  Like mini-marathons and candy selling were popular ones.  I can still picture the fundraising thermometer in the front hallway of the school.

Now in my son’s preschool they do some pretty fun ones.  One for example that I think is once a month is where if you go to a specified restaurant the school makes around 15% of your order.  Another one is selling t-shirts and spirit wear, scholastic book sales, and silent auctions.  I do think too that something about fundraising really helps parents get involved with their kid’s schools even if they don’t have the time or ability to help out personally.


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  • We have fundraisers at the school I teach at. However, they are for adults only since the kids tend not to be responsible enough. We do use the Scholastic Books as a way to get new reading material for our students.
    .-= Sara Cart´s last blog ..The Easiest Math Problem =-.

  • I agree that all of the fundraisers can be a bit much, but I love how much better the variety is now :)
    .-= Becca´s last blog ..Toyota =-.

  • I get tired of the fundraising too. As PTA president I do my own, then there is the principal, the staff and individual classrooms. It can be very overwhelming when you get 3 or 4 forms at one time.

    .-= Tiffany´s last blog ..The Mall With It All Woodfield Mall =-.

  • I got a little sick of all the fundraising when I was in school! I won't have to deal with that, with my kids because military bases' schools don't fundraise and there is no soliciting in military housing!

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