Handbag Heaven is a place where you can indulge in the latest handbags, trendy purses and more! They offer quality handbags that are hand selected to offer high quality without the high price tag. From quilted bags to sexy clutches hobo bags to shoulder bags, they have a lot to offer. All handbags are priced between $10 and $85 with a money back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, including a 30 day no hassle return policy. Handbag Heaven is also backed by a passionate team who genuinely cares about every single customer and visitor.
I love designer bags, but since I had kids I decided to cut out buying designer bags in exchange for kid stuff. I admit to spending well over $100 for purses, granted they were second hand off eBay, but still designer. When I found Handbag Heaven I was so excited. They have handbags starting at $15 and all under $75 right now, and they have great specials all the time!
Deciding on one purse as so hard as there are so many fabulous ones to choose from, all in different styles and then narrow down by colors! I narrowed it down to the Jackie Patent Tote, which is a black patent leather shoulder bag. It has so many pockets, a water resistant lining and even came with a dust jacket for storage.
I love that I can get a high quality purse for less than a third of what I used to pay. I have received so many compliments and I realize that it doesn’t have to be name brand to look designer!
BUY IT: Visit Handbag Heaven to start shopping!
WIN IT: (1) US/CAN winner will receive the handbag of their choice!
TO ENTER: Check out the handbags at Handbag Heaven and leave a comment on what you’d choose!
(Just a sample of what you can choose!)
Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: I was sent a purse to facilitate a review and giveaway but my opinion remains my own. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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