Categories: Reviews

“Random Acts of Zhu” in my community

About a month ago I received 13 boxes via FedEx and I knew better than to open them in front of my boys.  See they contained 104 brand new Zhu Zhu pets.  Nope they weren’t for me to keep, which is why I had to keep them boxed up until I was ready to donate them to my community.  I was selected to participate in  the “Random Acts of Zhu” program as a way to help spread some holiday cheer during the holiday season.

Zhu Zhu Pets all ready to go!

So the night before I was ready, I opened up all 13 boxes and placed them in a few gift bags.  Rather than donate them individually to kids I decided to give them to my son’s preschool and the local hospital.  My son’s preschool is pretty big (about 200 kids) and I figured it would be great for the kids to have some great new toys in the classrooms.  I also think the Zhu Zhu pet hamsters are great for all kids, including special needs kids, which my son is and many other students are.  At home Aidan loves to chase his Zhu Zhu pets and push the button to watch it go and squeak!

The preschool and my stroller overloaded with Zhu Zhu Pets (and Gavin!)

The classrooms where the Zhu Zhu pets will live!

The local hospital was my other choice because of how great it was when we were their recently for an unexpected emergency visit and overnight stay.  Gavin was admitted to the ER for breathing problems and had to stay overnight.  Now you can imagine how boring it is for kids contained to the hospital and it was so nice that the pediatric floor had a kids playroom.  The room is where the patients or siblings can go to unwind and recuperate.  Aidan played in their with grandma and grandpa while my husband and I attended to Gavin in his room.  Then Gavin got the chance to play and pretty much didn’t want to leave the hospital!  Toys are also brought into the kids (patients) rooms for them to play with while in bed.  I think the Zhu Zhu pets will also be much loved there and the hospital really appreciated new toys!

Last stop:  Hospital

Gavin protecting the Zhu Zhu pet bag and the hospital playroom here the Zhu Zhu pets will live!

Now even though I was given these toys to donate, there are many ways to help out in your own community.  Whether you donate used items, your time, or new toys, usually anything is appreciated.  The smiles and appreciation I received was overwhelming and I was so glad to be part of the “Random Acts of Zhu” program.  My community is somewhere I do not plan on leaving and my children will be growing up in, and I am glad I was able to do something great.

Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure:  I participate in the Random Acts of Zhu program to donate all the hamsters I received.  I did not receive anything out of this partnership, other than the smiles I received from my community!


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  • That must have been so fun to see the kid's faces when they saw the toys! This was such a generous campaign for a toy company to start. Bravo to them and maybe they will start a trend of giving from other companies!

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