Categories: Reviews

Family Movie Night: “Field of Vision” (Saturday, June 11th) Review


Through mysterious footage captured on an old malfunctioning video camera, Sinclair High School’s star quarterback, Tyler McFarland, learns that some of his teammates have been bullying Cory Walker, a troubled new transfer student. Aware that sharing this information with the coach might get his friends kicked off the team and ultimately cost the school the state championship, Tyler must choose what’s more important: winning or doing what’s right.

As these events unfold, the camera also reveals more surprising footage to Tyler’s kid sister Lucy… She learns that Cory has a secret past, unknown even to him. Now Lucy must convince her mom (Faith Ford, Murphy Brown) and family that the camera’s revealing insight is not a product of her imagination as she enlists their help to find the answers Cory so desperately needs. It’s a compelling and intriguing story that shows both the challenges and rewards of doing the right thing even when it’s tough to do.

Check Out A Preview:


I am not a big sports fan, but for whatever reason I don’t mind sports movies.  Even though “Field of Vision” doesn’t premier until Saturday June 11th, I got the chance to watch it early and have to say I liked it.  Even though the movie is about football, I didn’t feel like that was the whole movie and that it is a great movie for both kids and adults, boys and girls.  The movie is themed around so many great lessons including bullying, being different, growing up, and more!

The movie focuses on a family who has a son, Tyler, and daughter, Lucy, and then features a whole bunch of other great characters.  Lucy discovers on an old video camera “magical” videos that show her different things about the past.  Of course no one believes her at first but her discovery proves to be quite valuable and life changing.

Lucy’s brother Tyler watches one of the videos and sees that his teammates are bullying the new kid, Cory.  He knows it was wrong and has to decide if he wants to tell the coach on his teammates, which could possibly make them loose the state championship.  He talks to the coach and I love how the coach does something about it, rather than brushing it aside like I have seen in other sports films.  Usually the coach covers for his players in order to win the game, but this coach is honest and cares about his players and doing the right thing.

Even though Lucy is younger she gets along with Cory because they both love books.  She is the one that discovers some interesting information about Cory, who is currently in foster care.  Jody is Tyler and Lucy’s mom, played by Faith Ford also plays a crucial part, helping Cory.  It is funny how one family ends up doing so much for a kid that they don’t really know but who needed a point in the right direction.

Overall, I did really like the movie and since I am not big on watching movies on my laptop I can’t wait to check it out on Saturday night.  I actually watched this movie alone since my boys are too young to really understand but I think it would be a great movie for us to watch as a family when they get a little bit older.  It just features so many great lessons and challenges that the characters have to face, making it realistic. 

You can also check out the Official Family Movie Night website and Facebook Page.

WATCH IT: Check out “Field of Vision” on Saturday June 11th at 8/7c on FOX.

Mom and More Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


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