Categories: Spark

Finding Happiness with GaiamTV @GaiamTV #GetGaiamHappy #sp


‘Tis the Season of Joy, right?  But with all the craziness of the holidays, I think sometimes people, myself included, forget for what we should be happy for.  Thanksgiving is a time for being grateful and thankful for what we have, but that shouldn’t be the only time of year that we think about our happiness.  For me, my happiness is my family and has always been.  Before I had my own family I was happy just being with my mom, dad and siblings (even though I didn’t always show it) and now that I have my own family I feel a joy that is hard to explain.  But what exactly is happiness and and what can be done to boost happiness?

Well GaiamTV is a media streaming service (like Netfilx) that is designed for those interested in health and happiness.  They feature over 2,000 titles all focusing on mind, body and spirit.  Its 24-hour instant access to top documentaries, thought provoking movies, and fitness videos.  They can be streamed on computers, iPads and of course smartphones.

After checking out their site, specifically watching a documentary called “Happy”, I started thinking about things I will commit to doing in 2013 that will make me happy.

  • Exercise:  Okay so I am a little overweight and I now that I am probably done having kids I need to get back in shape.  I feel so much better when I work out and am in shape and I need to get back into a routine.  I am not going to stress myself out with a specific goal, but rather a goal of staying as active as I can.
  • Sleep:  I get maybe 5 hours of sleep a night and I know that is not enough.  I wake up crabby and then take it out on my family in the morning.  I am committing to going to sleep earlier so I feel more rested and therefore happy.
  • More Family Time:  I admit to spending too much on the computer and neglecting my family at times.  I am so happy when I am playing with my kids and going places as a family that I vow to do more of it in 2013!
  • More Husband Time:  My poor husband has been knocked far down on the totem pole and I know I need to spend more time with him alone.  Whether it be time together after the kids go to bed or date nights out alone, I am committed to more adult-time.
  • Organizing my house:  Somehow rooms in my house became a “pit” well thats what we call them.  I hate going in those rooms, am embarrassed by them and they make me un-happy just thinking about how I have let them get so bad.  I am committing myself to getting them cleaned and finding a better system for staying organized.

CHECK IT OUT:  GaiamTV is $9.95 per month for unlimited stream to watch documentaries online and more, with a no-strings attached commitment.  You can cancel anytime.  They even offer a free 10-day trial to check it out, and you will even be entered to win a 3-month subscription and a cozy, organic fireside blanket (over $125 value!)

What are your 5 things that make you happy?

Mom and More Disclosure: While this post is sponsored by GaiamTV all my thoughts are my own.  Please see my Disclosure Policy.


View Comments

  • Hmm... reading, finishing diy projects, zumba, a peaceful and organized environment, and gaming!

  • This may be just what I was looking for as an alternative to Netflix for the exercise programs. 2013 - decluttering 500+ items from my home, planning less activities, spending more time with family, spending more time with friends, and eating healthy.

  • Thanks for this post - made me thinking of what I will commit to in 2013 to be happy : spending more time with loved ones, eating healthy, staying fit, reading a book for leisure at least once a month, and volunteering in my community. Happy Holidays!

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