Categories: MeSpark

Some Ways to Cut Calories #FitbitChallenge

Okay so since I started using my new FitBit, I figure I should also cut back on calories.  Now I am not one to diet, nor do I want to not eat foods that I normally would, but I have found a few ways to cut calories.  I figure every little helps, right?!

  • Cut out the condiments.  Do you really need all that mustard, ketchup, barbecue sauce or whatever else on your sandwich or salad?  Instead I have been going without them, adding extra lettuce/tomato, or using a lite version.  I had never really thought about how many calories ketchup is and I used to put it on pretty much everything!
  • Measure out your snacks for the week.  This is something that I kept seeing my friends do on Facebook and it is a great idea.  Yes I know you can buy little 100-calorie snack packs, but it is cheaper to buy a big bag and make my own and yes mine may be more than 100-calories but they are definitely less than if I sat there with the whole bag!
  • Try to drink diet if you are a soda addict.  Okay so I love Coke and honestly Diet Coke just doesn’t do it for me.  To cut back I limit myself to one Coke a day at home and I have actually been alternating with cans of Diet soda.  If I go to a restaurant where I get my own soda I do half diet and half regular (its not that bad.)  Yes I know I should drink more water, but I love my soda and again I am cutting back and that is a step.
  • Buy fruit and vegeatables and cut it up!  I found if I buy cucumbers or celery and cut them up, I will eat them instead of chips (as will my family!)  Same goes for fruit.  If I bury the fruit or vegetables and don’t cut it up, when I am hungry I will grab a snack that may not be the best choice and higher in calories.  I found though that if I make healthy snacks as easily accessible and conveninent as junk food, I will  eat it!
  • Keep a food diary or load an app on your smartphone to keep track of your calories.  I tried this and couldn’t stick with it, but it was pretty eye-opening to see how many calories I had just for breakfast!  It made me think of of how to cut back on calories the rest of the day.
  • Wear a pedometer.  What I love about my FitBit One is that I can check anytime how many calories I have burned for the day just for walking.  So if I want to have another can of Coke for 140 calories and I have only burned 3000 for the day, I think of how many steps I have to walk to burn off that second can.  I also love how McDonalds shows on their menu board the amount of calories per meal because some of them are up there (like 1200 calories and so forth) and sometimes that is half the calories I have burned for just one day, and its only one meal!  My FitBit definitely keeps me in check on my calories.

 Mom and More Disclosure: I received a FitBit and compensation in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


View Comments

  • Great tips! What I like about them is that they aren't all about avoiding our favorites but rather learning how to eat them "responsibly". Here are another couple of tips for you ... I lost 10 pounds in 2 months by adopting them: 1) give up oil and 2) give up dairy. We stopped using oil in anything, which meant getting creative with cooking (it is possible) and we gave up cheese, milk, etc. And wow ... 10 lbs melted off.

  • Mustard has no (or maybe 5) calories. It's the healthy condiment! And beware of diet coke.. lots of.studies against all the ingredients/fake sugars. I'm in the process of cutting it out.. waotobg for.yhe cravings to go away!!

    • Of course mustard is a healthy condiment, because I am not a mustard fan! Good to know though! Ugh about Diet Coke :(

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