Disclosure: I received this product to review in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
My daughter loves her purses and she loves her stuffed puppies. She is usually carrying one in each arm around the house, yes she loves them that much. So when I saw the new bags from Poochie & Co. I had to have one for her. Honestly if the bag held more, I’d use it myself! The styles are constantly changing and being updated to always offer new varieties.
These purses come in a variety of styles and are a must have for any puppy (or kitten) loving girl. They come with a matching collar and strap as well as a zippered compartment to store a few items. The collar is removeable, but not the purse strap. You can fit inside just a few very small items, my daughter puts her play phone and few very small toys. It is perfect for a young girl who just needs to carry a few items! My daughter carries this purse everywhere, its her purse and her puppy as she says.
Stay Connected with Poochie & Co.:
BUY IT: Poochie & Co. purses can be purchased directly at Poochie & Co. or check out there Where to Buy section for a store in your area.
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