
Ziplining Over Alligators? Knocked 3 Things off My Bucket List at Gatorland Orlando, FL {Review} #RockYourVacation

I received travel and tickets in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

First, off I should say that when I heard I was going to Gatorland, I was not that excited. Then I learned they had zip lining and I moved to excited but scared.

Gatorland is like a zoo that specifically focuses on reptiles, birds, and a few other random animals.  You won’t see the typical zoo animals like elephants, giraffe, lions or bears, but that is what I love about Gatorland – seeing animals I don’t usually see.

Even if you are not a reptile fan, it it fun to explore and there is so much to see. There is even a kiddie playground and splash pad area.

First off I highly recommend adding zip lining to your ticket while at Gatorland. It is one of those things that you never know when you will get the chance to do it and if you are going to do it why not do it over alligators! Yes you can pay for just admission to the park which is awesome as well, especially for alligator fans!

Okay so the ziplining guides we had were awesome. They made me feel at ease and made sure to perform all the requried safety checks each time we ziplined. Yes the track we did was multiple towers we had to zipline to. So at each tower we would get hooked up one at a time, zipped to the next tower and then repeat. Each track was a little different (longer, higher…) and it was an amazing expierence. Scary, yes but something I was able to knock off my bucket list!

Here is the scariest part of zip lining, crossing this bridge (yes your harnessed but its still scary):

After zip lining we explored the park and I was shocked to see how many animals there actually were in what I thought was just a small park. I have never seen (and probably will never) see so many alligators in my life!

How about alligator wresting? Yes they have it and I did it! Well I actually just posed for the picture while his mouth was taped shut but they did have a guy who did it without the mouth taped!

Here is the guy with the alligator without his mouth taped!

Oh and did I mention I also channeled my inner Brittany Spears?

Yes I held a snake too there! Now I am deathly afraid of snacks and to hold this giant one freaked me the hell out but I am so glad I did it and have the picture to prove it! Another bucket list item checked off! My husband could not believe I did it either and my boys were like “Gross!” I took up the mantra “I am on vacation and I will embrace my fears!”

Overall though I loved Gatorland and will definitely head back with my kids. There was so much to do and it was unlike a typical zoo (if that is what your thinking.) I call it a hidden gem because of all the times I have visited the Orlando area I had never heard of it, I hope I can change that for others! It is a nice relaxing place to visit that was not overly crowded, had lots to see and explore. You can definitely make a great day out of it there!

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View Comments

  • This looks like such a fun day but I don't know about zip lining over the alligators. I think I would pass on that. Thank you for sharing this

  • WOW does this ever look like fun. I ziplined in Myrtle Beach at Wonder Works and would love to zipline at Gatorland. That is on my bucket list too. I have really been slow getting things done on my bucket list. Just a heads up. Don't wait to do yours. I am going on 60 and I have only done about 4 of my like 40 things I want to do. I loved ziplining and would love to do it farther than the one in Wonder Works. I hope you get to do all yours. Due to a brain injury about 11 years ago finances are low and I might never get to do some of them but I will never stop trying to do them.

  • I'm from Cajun country and grew up around alligator farms and what not. I even owned a baby alligator, but I had to get rid of him when I got pregnant. I would love to go to Gatorland in Florida! It looks like you had so much fun. You did a lot of exciting things. Congrads to you!

  • I give you alot of credit for what you did. I appreciate the pics and comments but I do not think Gatorland is for me. Thank you for sharing

  • That looks like SO much fun! Who knew Gaterland had all of that to offer? I've never been zip lining before but it's definitely on my bucket list as well :)

  • Girl you is crazy!!!!
    And I love it!!! Sounds like an amazing place to visit. I am in CA but would give anything to travel to Florida.

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