Categories: Spark

Celebrating Baby’s Milestones in the Winter #BRUMilestones

Disclosure:  I received compensation in exchange for sharing this information and my honest opinion.

My first child was born at the end of January but by the following January around his 1st Birthday, he was all about the snow.  I remember him watching the snow out the window and I could tell he was amazed by it.  So when Aidan had just turned 1 and we got snow, I couldn’t wait to bring him out into it.  As a new mom I was still nervous about the cold so we were only out a little bit and it was just the backyard but he still had a blast!

And here is a recent picture of my baby boy!

Playing in the snow was only one milestone we celebrated with Aidan but with the snow we have now it was one I was thinking about.  Kids grow so fast and I want to be able to cherish every moment I can with them before they grow up to have their own families.  So to celebrate my kids milestones I take a lot of pictures and try to celebrate each and every one.

There is so much I didn’t know as a new mom and and it was definitely overwhelming at times. I had no one around me that had a baby at the same time or even close to me so I was on my own winging it most of the time.  I read books, followed chat rooms and shopped a lot at Babies “R” Us.  WhyBabies “R” Us ? Back then that was the only baby store really and they had pretty much everything I needed.  I loved browsing the shelves and seeing the new products and seeing the other mothers walk the aisles aimlessly like I did!  It was a comfort to know I wasn’t alone.

From food to diapers to toys and clothes, Babies “R” Us really carries a little of everything.  Many of the products are also from award-winning brands including Pampers, the #1 choice of hospitals, Dreft, the #1 choice of pediatricians and even Duracell, the #1 trusted brand of parents, pharmacists, and first responders.  Moms can buy what they need in one stop and feel confident knowing celebrating milestones will be a little easier.  I love when I can pick up everything in one stop, which makes me feel less stressful and I can enjoy my kids just a little bit longer.

Oh and another great reason I still shop at Babies “R” Us is the great deals they always have!  I love being able to save money on stuff I need anyways.

From Jan 2. – Jan. 17, with a purchase of Pampers Jumbo Pack diapers or Easy-Up training pants, Pampers value box of wipes (13x) & Dreft 50oz detergent, you receive a $10 Babies “R” Us gift card!


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  • I cannot wait to actually get some snow here in the part of Texas that I am in. My daughter is now 2, and sees it on television, and is very fascinated by it. I have always dreamed about taking her out in it, to build a snowman (being as her favorite movie is Frozen of course lol), make snow angels, and pull her around on a makeshift sled. I can tell from the smiles in the photos, you had some great memories made. I am also a first time mom winging it, and Babies r Us has been a lifesaver!

  • Looks like y'all had so much fun in the snow! My grandsons loved playing in the snow last year when we had it for a few days. I hope we get more in GA this year!

  • I love the coupons, and rebates! Dreft (laundry detergent), I have used it since my son was born, 1968. Everyone always said how clean my kids clothes were, and how it looked like they never got dirty! No stains, just clean. ( that was Dreft! ) It took out the baby formula and food stains as well as dirt. People could not believe my diapers were 4th generation ( they survived 4 children before mine ) they were always washed in Dreft! And they were still white as could be!

  • Just an FYI, if you ever get a urinary track infection, you can take a bath, add Dreft Detergent, and soak. It really helps with the pain. You still need to see a Dr., but it helps!

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