Categories: Spark

Preparing for Winter-Germs & Our Take on the PURELL 30-Day Challenge @PURELL #PURELL30 #PURELLChallenge

This post was sponsored by GOJO Industries, the makers of PURELL® Hand Sanitizer. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

Did you know that good hand hygiene is one of the most important preventive measures one can take to reduce the spread of illness-causing germs? (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Yes something as simple as using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, like PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, can reduce the spread of illness-causing gems.

To prepare for back to school and get us through the first few weeks of school, my family has taken the PURELL  30-Day Challenge where we used PURELL products three times a day for 30 days. We are not stopping though at just 30 days, we will be continuing using PURELL products as we head into winter-germ season.

How did using PURELL products help us? Well in past years right when school started we all got sick, my boys would bring germs home from school and they would make there way through our family. Well this year just my boys got a bug but luckily it just lasted a day for each of them and didn’t hit the rest of us. My boys getting sick was the perfect example for me to use to stress the importance of PURELL products and how if they use it at least three times a day they lessen their odds of contracting germs.

They admitted they were only using it once a day, just before lunch and only because I had the keychain things hooked onto their lunchboxes.

I think with our crazy schedules it is was hard to get used to using for them but they are definitely getting better these last few days. My husband and I along with my 4 year old have been using PURELL products faithfully for the almost 30 days now and so far so good with us.

Dirt and germs are not always visible and to make it easier for my kids to remember I am going to pick up extra bottles of PURELL products to put around our house as well as some more keychain PURELL’s to hook onto their bikes! If they see it they are much more likely to use it!

With flu season just around the corner, I am all about doing whatever I can do lessen the chances of my family getting sick. I may be nagging them like crazy to wash their hands, rest and use PURELL products especially when they are out, but I do it because I love them!

Head to your local Target for one-stop shopping for PURELL® products and preparing for all those school germs and the winter-germ season.

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