
5 Tips to Selling Tickets Online

When tickets go on sale to an event that you have been wanting to attend, it is likely months in advance of the actual event date. It is likely that with proper planning and prioritizing, you will be able to attend the event and you will have a great time. Sometimes, however, something urgent comes up or an emergency in your family occurs and you are unable to attend the event. Chances are likely that you spent a great deal of money on your tickets and you would like to recuperate some of the cost. In addition, it would be a shame if your tickets went unused. This article will identify some tips to selling your tickets online.

How To Sell Tickets Online

  1. Do some research. Before you set out to sell your tickets, be sure to do some research and find out how much other tickets that are comparable to yours are selling for. You will want to make sure that your price is competitive with the tickets that are listed. If you price your tickets too high, people will look over them and your tickets will go unsold. For example, if you see tickets in the same seating area as yours going for $25 per ticket, you should sell yours for $24 as it will then be more appealing to a potential buyer. Whatever you do, avoid pricing your tickets above $25 unless they are better tickets.
  2. Event venue. The venue makes a difference in your likelihood of being able to sell your tickets. If you are selling tickets to a baseball game and the weather forecast shows 100% of rain during the event, you are unlikely to sell your tickets. However, if your event is indoors, you are more likely to be able to sell them regardless of Mother Nature’s behavior.
  3. Selling platform. Where you sell your tickets online makes a difference. Each website has their perks and setbacks. If you choose to sell on craigslist or Facebook, you may have to drive to a location to exchange the tickets and receive the money. Apart from this, if you are an ebay seller looking for the best ways to boost up your sales then this ebay listing software would be of great help to you.
  4. Parking. Selling tickets online can be a challenge sometimes as depending on the event, there could be an oversaturation of available tickets. This could mean that there are more tickets to be sold than people wanting to attend. If you have a parking pass that you purchased in advance when you bought your event tickets, be sure to include this in your listing as this can sweeten the deal. Often times parking at the event can be $20 or more. This added expense can be a surprise and dampen the experience. By purchasing parking before arriving, you can ensure that you do not have to wait in line and you just need to park your car and proceed to your seats.
  5. Website reviews. Before deciding where you want to sell your tickets, it is best to read website reviews so that you know what fees you will be expected to pay as well as how you will be expected to get the tickets to the buyer.

View Comments

  • Thank you for sharing! I never thought about selling tickets online. I've only considered selling tickets in person. These are some awesome tips!!

  • I have never sold tickets online but these would be some good suggestions for anyone that is considering this. I know there are many sites to do this so research before hand would be important.

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