When you are self employed one of the most important tasks you face is keeping on top of your finances. Managing your receipts is crucial to keeping your cash flow under control but this can sometimes seem like a mammoth task. Fortunately, this job can be made easier by making use of apps on your phone that are specifically designed for you to keep track of all your receipts. The following apps are considered to be some of the best that you can use for this purpose
Evernote is one of the most popular apps for anyone that runs their own business as it helps you with every aspect of being self employed. It can also be used very effectively to help you keep track of your receipts. There is a camera within the app that will let you photograph your receipts and you are able to preview the photo before it is uploaded. If you are already familiar with using Evernote then you should be able to navigate the app and web platform quite well which will be an advantage.
OneNote is very similar to Evernote. Microsoft have recently made the package completely free to use which means it has gained a large number of new users. As well as being compatible with a number of apps, you can also use OneNote with physical scanners. This is an option that businesses that need to scan a lot of receipts sometimes go for, especially if they have their own accounts department. If this is something you are considering purchasing for you business then there are some useful reviews at https://www.hereon.biz/receipt-scanner/
Scanner Pro is an app that allows you to scan any document that you want, not just receipts. This may make it useful in other areas of your business. When you have taken a photo of your receipt then you can crop it to remove any background. You can also adjust the color and contrast so that the image appears clearer. This makes it easier to see all the essential details on the receipt that you need.
This app is solely for scanning receipts but it has a lot of features that make it very useful. You can choose where your receipts are uploaded to and one of the options is Evernote. One of the most useful features of this app is that it will sort your receipts into various different categories which will make things a lot easier for your accountant. You can use the categories that have already been suggested or come up with your own. You can also check out receipt scanner reviews to keep track of your receipts easily.
If you are using OneNote then this is one of the best scanning apps to use alongside it. One of the best features is that it will automatically improve the quality of the image that has been taken. You do not need to do anything after the photo has been taken and you can preview the final version before it is uploaded. This is useful if you have a lot of receipts to upload in one go as you can get through them fairly quickly without having to worry too much about taking perfect photos.
Office Lens is an app by Microsoft so it integrates very well with the OneNote platform. It is considered to be one of the best apps that Microsoft has produced. Office Lens will clear up the image that you have taken and then you can choose where you want it to be stored. If you need to email some receipts directly to your accountant then this can be done straight from the app.
Your receipts can be uploaded directly to Google Drive if you are using the app. It also integrates with some of the other apps that have been mentioned here if you are looking for a specific scanning app. If you use Google Drive elsewhere in your business then you have the advantage of knowing that everything is in the same place.
Keeping track of your receipts is an easy job to fall behind on and the more you get behind the harder it is to catch up. This can cause problems when it is time to work out your taxes. Many people find it very convenient to have an app on their phone as it is something that they have with them all the time. Snapping your receipts is something that only takes a few seconds and then you have all the information there when you need it.
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These all sound like great apps that can perform useful tasks. When I was in public accounting what I would given for clients to have had access to these aps would have made my job so much easier. But now that they are available I hope people are taking advantage of their features. Thanks for a great useful and informative post.
This seems so much easier than trying to keep track of tons of little pieces of paper.