Considering you have decided to undertake the herculean task of managing your household and finishing college, to say you are busy is an understatement. When you are not helping your child with their schoolwork, you are busy completing your own college essays and assignments. Being a mother is a full-time job but being a mom-student is taking that stress to another level.
It’s not easy balancing academics and your parental duties. There are days when you feel guilty for making this choice, but you must never give up on your dream and lose sight of the bigger picture.
Allocate a Study Area
The importance of having a designated study area in the house is hugely underrated. If you think you can study on the couch today and take to the dining table tomorrow, you are likely to be more distracted.
On the contrary, when you have a study table to yourself, you find yourself being able to concentrate better. Choose a study space away from distraction and chaos in the house. It needs to be well-lit, comfortable and equipped with enough storage to keep your books, notes, files, etc. That way, you have everything in one place and are able to study more effectively.
Take Help
It’s common to feel overwhelmed when you are trying to juggle multiple things at once. At such times, don’t try to do everything and kill yourself over it – if you can take help for certain tasks, you must.
For instance, if you have an urgent essay to submit, take assistance from expert writing services and buy essays online. Similarly, if you have an important exam coming up, ask your husband to help your child with homework.
There is no shame in asking for help. You rather turn to your support system than let the stress affect your health.
Have a Plan
Creating and following a study schedule can do wonders to your productivity. Start every week with making a note of all the urgent and important tasks that are due and plan every day accordingly.
It’s a good idea to keep the difficult and time-consuming tasks for days when your child is not around or tackle them in the wee hours of the morning when everyone is asleep, so you can divert all your focus on studying.
Stay Focused on One Task
You might think you can catch up on some reading while preparing a meal or edit your essay while watching TV with the family, but multi-tasking is never a good idea. In fact, multi-tasking impacts productivity and focus.
Instead of offering wavering attention to everything you do, it’s always better to focus on one task at a time. You are likely to concentrate better, retain more information and get the work done in an effective and timely manner. So, save yourself from the anxiety and go about your day, one task at a time.
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