While you may sometimes feel like you’re wasting money paying for car insurance when you’re a safe driver or don’t drive a lot, coverage proves to be a massive help if you’re ever in an accident, no matter who’s at fault. You may know plenty of ways to save on the overall cost of insurance. That said, there are some methods you likely aren’t aware of or just haven’t considered. Take a look at these tips to see if they can help save you money without compromising on the overall quality of your policy.
Whenever it’s time for you to renew your policy, reach out to your insurance agent to see if there are any new discounts to which you’re entitled. Remember, it’s up to you to keep in touch with your agent to make sure you’re getting all the discounts to which you’re entitled. How often does your agent make the first move to personally reach out to you to let you know about a new discount you’re eligible for? Take the initiative and keep in touch with your provider to make sure you’re always saving as much as you can.
Maybe you don’t do much driving because you work from home or use public transportation more than you drive your own vehicle. If so, ask your insurance agent about either a pay-per-mile policy or a usage-based policy. One thing to consider with pay-per-mile coverage is that the fees it comes with can be rather high, so be as accurate as possible when determining how many miles you usually drive in a year.
As for usage-based insurance, there’s usually a base rate you have to pay along with a fee for every mile driven. You’ll get a device to install in your car that keeps track of how many miles you drive.
Speaking of tracking devices, you can give your insurance company permission to keep track of how often you drive your car and your behaviors behind the wheel, such as whether you follow the driving laws in your state. Specifically, these tracking devices note how far you drive, the times of day when you drive, if you brake or accelerate aggressively, or if advanced safety systems on your car are ever activated. This is an especially great option if you’re a cautious driver and know you’re not a risk to auto insurance companies.
Along with checking in with your agent to see that you have the latest discounts you qualify for, go over your policy to see that you aren’t paying for coverage you don’t need. For instance, the older your car is, the less sense it makes to have comprehensive and collision insurance, especially if such coverage comes with a high deductible. That said, you also have to bear in mind the financial burden it may place on you to lose your vehicle or have to replace it without insurance coverage; everyone’s situation is different.
Never pay a penny more than necessary for insurance. Try these tips out to see how they work for you.
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It is very important to read your policy to make sure you only have what you need.