
10 Lies the Internet is Telling You About Your Vagina

After we checked out boric acid, it is time to delve deeper into the wonders of the internet! On social media sites, suddenly everyone has become an expert when it comes to health, even when the topic is as technical as postpartum vaginal odor! „Don’t do that, do this!” but there is no scientific evidence to prove the advantages of following their piece of advice, so what’s there left to do?

Most of the people on social media already know how to distinguish a click-bait title from a real article, but there are also younger, more impressionable people, or older, more naive people on the internet who believe everything they read.

When it comes to health, there are multiple lies that the internet keeps telling you – for multiple reasons. One of those reasons is usually to sell something to you, other reason could be to stop you from believing true, scientifically proven facts. All in all, it is time for us to debunk those myths and lies, so here are the most common “facts” we have encountered on the internet when it comes to vaginal health!

  1. The Detox Process of the Vagina

We have seen plenty of articles telling us how to detox the vagina, how to steam it, how to insert jade eggs into the vagina and all kinds of crazy tips and tricks to detox it! Let us tell you the truth: your vagina does not need to be detoxed; it has a self-cleaning mechanism that is pretty effective without any external help. Cool, huh?

  1. Douching

Experts always underline the fact that the vagina does not need douching! Douching can be harmful to your health, as it flushes out good bacteria, too, creating an imbalance in the vaginal flora. This will make you prone to developing infections, so experts recommend avoiding douching at all costs!

  1. Birth Control does not work because of Melatonin

We do not even know how this rumor started! We have seen a lot of videos showing you babies, but that’s not scientific evidence proving that melatonin can cancel out birth control pills. Some kinds of antibiotics can have that effect, but you don’t have to worry about melatonin.

Go get that beauty sleep without worrying about this!

  1. Natural cures for yeast infections

You probably know the jest, too: yogurt, kimchi, douching… We hate to break it to you, but these would not cure yeast infections. We recommend you schedule an appointment with your health care provider.

The doctor will run some blood tests and some sample tests and then will recommend you an actual treatment. Please do not rely on the internet for curing serious medical conditions!

  1. Using pads is for young women

Socially imposed standards have appeared when it comes to periods, too! We have seen plenty of posts, comments, and articles telling us that using pads is for teenagers and that after a while you should only use tampons. 

You should use whatever menstrual product is more comfortable for you. Pads, tampons, menstrual cups, everything works as long as you feel comfortable! 

  1. Using jade eggs is good for your health

Inserting rocks into your vagina is a big NO-NO. No benefit has ever been proven by using jade eggs. Moreover, they can cause serious and severe infections, back pain, scratches, and many other things.

Kegels are much more effective when it comes to improving muscle health in your sensitive area, so if you considered using yoni eggs, you might want to switch up to Kegels. For other problems, such as incontinence, you should seek the help of a specialist!

  1. All kinds of cures for the natural odor of the vagina

Let’s face it: the odor of the vagina is normal. Each and every person has a certain specific smell, and that is acceptable and normal. 

If you noticed a change in the natural odor of the vagina, then you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with the natural smell of the vagina.

  1. Fruity flavors are a must

Nope, this one is a big no-no, too! Vaginal melts can increase the risk of vagina infection. The vagina is not supposed to smell or taste fruity and social media should not pressure you to do anything you do not want to do!

  1. Your labia should look pretty

Each of us is different! There is no other way to say, we all are different, and this applies to the human labia, too. There is not a specific way the labia should look, and social media has been making us feel self-conscious about the way we look for way too much time now!

Don’t let social media tell you how you should look! There is no “right way” that labia should look.

  1. Doctors hide the truth from you

If your doctors tell you that douching with apple cider is harmful to you, trust us, they are not trying to hide a miraculous natural cure from you! They just have your best interest in mind, and they want to protect you from the dangers of the internet!

If you feel like your doctor doesn’t seek out your best interest, maybe you should change doctors. Either way, when your doctor recommends you a certain medication, you should take it.

With all this being said, we hope we helped you clear your mind a little bit! One of the current society’s problems is to learn how to filter out information. The internet is a vast place, and every one of us can write our opinions and “advice” on social media.

We always recommend you seek the help of a specialist when it comes to health problems. Your doctor knows everything that they need to know about vaginal health, they know exactly what medication fits best your medical condition and how you should take that medication. They know what works and what does not, and they truly want you to stay happy and healthy!


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