
4 Eating and Drinking Tips for Dysphagia

Most people never contemplate being unable to swallow food and drink easily, as it may feel as natural as breathing to many. Yet, it is a sad reality for countless people worldwide living with various health conditions, such as dementia, cancer, GORD, Parkinson’s disease, and more. Fortunately, some actions can make swallowing feel much easier. Here are four eating and drinking tips for dysphagia. 

  1. Sit Upright and Chew Slowly

People permanently or temporarily living with dysphagia have an increased risk of aspiration, which is when food or drink enters the lungs or airways. If this happens, it may cause serious health consequences, such as pneumonia. 

You can lower your risk of aspiration by sitting upright when eating, chewing slowly, and remaining in an upright position for a minimum of 30 minutes after a meal. Take your time, focus on eating, and consume small, manageable amounts of food.

  1. Improve Liquid Consistency

People living with dysphagia are more likely to aspirate a thin liquid. Rather than avoiding them altogether, you can improve their consistency with an instant food thickener. Simply Thick provides a more palatable liquid thickener to improve the texture and taste of foods and liquids, which may encourage you to drink more each day and supports a healthier, happier lifestyle.

An instant food thickener can turn thin liquids into a honey-like consistency, making them much easier to swallow. You can thicken most beverages, such as:

  • Water
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Milk
  • Juice
  • Soup
  • Soda
  • Wine
  • Beer
  • Liquor

An instant food thickener is a small adjustment that may make a big difference to your diet, health, and happiness. Also, it could prevent malnutrition, which is a common problem for many people with the swallowing disorder.

  1. Understand Soft Textures

Make swallowing easier while preventing aspiration by consuming soft food textures. Of course, some foods are softener than others, and you might need to adjust your diet to find the best texture for you.

There are three types of soft textures to match different needs:

  • Pureed foods – soft foods that require zero chewing, such as mashed potatoes, soup, applesauce, and baby foods.
  • Moist, soft, and easy-to-chew foods – ground instead of pureed, such as cottage cheese, noodles, eggs, refried beans, and baked potatoes.
  • Chopped, soft, and easy-to-chew foods – think small, palatable foods, such as bananas, soft bread, French fries, vegetables, and chopped, moist meats.
  1. Avoid Certain Foods

A dysphagia diet can feel limiting, which is why you might be hesitant to introduce new foods or feel unsure about certain textures. If in doubt at mealtimes, there are some items you would be wise to avoid. 

For instance, you shouldn’t eat dry, sticky, salty items or foods with pips, as they are often harder to swallow. If a portion of food is dry, you can make swallowing easier by adding a sauce, such as gravy. Also, always take small sips of water or another beverage between mouthfuls to support eating but avoid large gulps to avoid aspiration.

With these four tips, swallowing should be made easier if you suffer from dysphagia.


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