Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Typical Me…

This is me on a typical night...laptop, phone, papers, and blanket...

12 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: Flower Pics With My #SonyNEX

This is the same flower I took changing the settings on my new Sony NEX camera:

12 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: Chicago, Me & More! #SonyNEX

These are all pictures taken from my new Sony NEX camera! All the changes too have been done right from…

12 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday to Gavin!

Gavin turns 5 today and honestly he is still my baby boy to me!

12 years ago

Wordless Wednesday: Gavin Loves Everyone Song

While this isn't a picture or wordless, my 4 year old Gavin made me so proud with this 1 minute…

12 years ago

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