How old was your daughter the first time you painted her toes?
Wordless Wednesday: They Clean Up Nicely
Wordless Wednesday: Brotherly Love?
Wordless Wednesday: Me & My “Little” Sisters
Wordless Wednesday: Typical Me…
This is me on a typical night…laptop, phone, papers, and blanket…
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday to My Not-So Little 2 Yr. Old!
Wordless Wednesday: Flower Pics With My #SonyNEX
This is the same flower I took changing the settings on my new Sony NEX camera:
Wordless Wednesday: Whoops!?
Wordless Wednesday: Chicago, Me & More! #SonyNEX
These are all pictures taken from my new Sony NEX camera! All the changes too have been done right from the camera, no special software or computer needed!