First off, thank you for stopping by Mom and More. Since I started Mom and More back in August 2008 it has grown more than I could have imagined. In 2019, Mom and More saw more than 332,000 Visitors and more than 1 million pageviews. I see those numbers already rising for 2024.
As a mom of three, I love to showcase products that are family-friendly and mom-friendly. I think there are so many great companies out there that either need a mention or have something great to offer, and I want to be the one that helps your brand grow!
About me and my family:
- Self
- Husband
- Children: Boy (17), Boy (16) and Girl (13)
- I am organized and love a challenge.
- I have been blogging since August 2008 and feel like I have been around the block with how blogging has evolved.
- My blog is something I treat as a full-time job that I promote as much as I can throughout various social media channels.
I post daily product reviews and giveaways, along with recipes, occasional deals, and personal experiences. I’d say my niche though is product reviews and after doing it for four years I have quite a lot of experience. I have reviewed everything from toys to food products, to tech gadgets and appliances.
Some statistics about Mom and More:
- Blog active since August 2008
- Average 35,000 visitors a month
- Average 125,000 pageviews a month
- Over 31,000 Twitter Followers (@mamasmoney)
- Over 27,000 Facebook Fans (http://www.facebook.com/momandmore)
- Over 16,000 Pinterest Followers with an average of 343,000 monthly views (http://pinterest.com/ckachelmuss/)
- Over 9,600 Instagram Followers (http://instagram.com/ckachelmuss)
- Over 870,000 views on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/momandmoreblog)
- Published in article on Porch.com
- Chicago Mom Bloggers to Put on Your Radar in 2019
- 2018 Top 60 Mom Blogs That Really Share Helpful Advice
- Best Mom Blog of 2018: My Mommy Needs That
- Best Mom Blogs of 2017: Top Parenting Experts
- Top Parenting Blog of 2017: My Kids Need That
- Best Mom Blogs of 2017
- Published in an eBook sponsored by Microsoft titled “Tips to Protect Your Business From Cybercrime” (2016)
- Top Female Tech Bloggers 2016 from News of the Wired (2016)
Sidebuy Top 10 Mommy Bloggers (2016)
- Top 10 Mom Blogs from Home Office Careers (2016)
- World’s Top 100 Mom Bloggers (2016)
- 30 Most Influential Mom Bloggers Today (2016)
- Top 50 U.S. Mom Bloggers in 2014 from Cision
- #9 for Influencer and #8 for Outreach on Kred Top 50 Mom Bloggers
- Global Top 100 Mommy Bloggers List of 2012 according to Sparkah Business Consulting
- Top 50 Review Blogs in 2013 according to The Voice of Parenthood
- Top 50 Review Blogs in 2013 according to Cision Media Database
- Chicago Favorite Blogger for Red Tricycle
I have a variety of advertising available:
Sponsored Posts: I am happy to do a write up on your company/product (as long as the content is appropriate.) Rates run from $350 and up for about 300 words with 1-3 text links.
Brand Ambassador: I would love to be your official brand ambassador, obviously as long as it is a product I truly love and feel comfortable with.
Banner and Text Ads: Please email me for current rates. I am happy to work with different sizes and keywords.
Brand Trips: I have been on a few trips to brands headquarters (Build-A-Bear, Musselmans, Disney, KFC, Samsung, Sony…) and love getting up close and personal with brands. Please reach out to me for trip opportunities.
Since Mom and More is mainly a product/place Review (and giveaway) blog, here are some guidelines I use:
Reviews: I do not charge for reviews as long as I receive a product in exchange for myself with a value of at least $100. I prefer not to review products I have to return. My posting time for reviews is between 2-3 weeks typically but feel free to contact me if you have a specific deadline in mind. I also include a disclosure per the FTC on all my reviews or paid posts.
Giveaways: For a giveaway, I usually give away a similar product from what I reviewed. I do not charge for giveaways nor do I require them, I offer them to companies but I do not need to include a giveaway. Occasionally I do host giveaways where I did not receive product/compensation in return but the prize then does need to really benefit my readers. Also, I like to run my giveaways for two weeks and then I randomly select a winner. Companies usually ship directly to the winner, but if not please work that out with me ahead of time.
My goal is to promote your company/product to the best of my ability. My wait time in posting is only because I take my time in writing up my posts and I prefer to only post two posts a day so the products get the most exposure. All of my blog posts also automatically post to my Twitter feed and Facebook page and all of my blog posts are archived so the post will always be there. You’d be amazed at some of the posts people read of mine when they are for example searching for a specific product or company.
Thanks for your time!
Cherise (Cher) Kachelmuss
Email me at: Ckachelmuss (at) gmail.com
You can also contact me on Twitter, Facebook, or click to Email me.