
Moving Sucks!

Moving is something I never ever want to do again.  My husband and I have been married just over five years and have bought and lived in three houses so far.  Our first house we fixed up and it was a rough few months.  Luckily we have very handy dads and good credit!  So anyways after we found out we were pregnant with our second child, we realized our little three-bedroom ranch was not going to cut it!  We barely had enough room for the baby items (bouncer, swing, highchair…) to begin with that I couldn’t imagine having all that again plus toddler toys!

So we put our house up for sale and luckily we sold it to the first people that looked at it!  They did have some financing issues so it took a little bit longer than expected but it went through and that is what mattered!  The other reason we were pushing to move is because we also jumped on the “let’s buy a house to rehab and sell for profit” bandwagon.  So there we were paying two mortgages on a one-income salary, plus my husband was going to grad school (which we were also paying part of.)  We were now moving from our first house (ranch) to a two-level plus a basement small house we had rehabbed and couldn’t sell.  I cannot imagine what we would have done had we not sold at least one of those houses, it was getting pretty rough.  We looked into movers but none were really in our budget so there I was six months pregnant and packing then moving our house.  Family was a great help!

So we moved into a house we never intended on living in and made the best of it.  We lived there for about a year before we finally sold it, after lowering the price a million times!  This time since I had two little ones and I we didn’t want to bother our family once again, we got some moving quotes.  Let me say hiring a mover is a tough job, we did lots of research, phone calls, and got numerous quotes.  After narrowing down the moving estimates we picked a company who moved our whole house for us.  I decided to save money again and do all the packing, but they moved all the boxes and furniture.  Even though we still paid more than I wanted to (I wanted free!) it was worth it!

We are now in our dream house and again I say “never moving again!”  It has been rough ride but I am glad we are settled and finally laying down some roots.  We have great neighbors, live in our dream house (minus the laundry room) and are in a great location.

Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post.  Please see my Disclosure Policy.


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  • My husband and I moved four times in the first year of our marriage. It did suck, but at least he did most of the work (even if he did lose a gift certificate for a pedicure in the process, which we never did find).

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