In this animated adventure based on Disney Channel’s Emmy Award-winning comedy series “Phineas and Ferb,” stepbrothers Phineas and Ferb go on their biggest journey yet, into another dimension! When the boys finally discover that their beloved pet platypus Perry is in fact a secret agent who battles the forces of evil daily, they join him on a grand adventure that blasts them to another dimension where a truly evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz has taken over an alternate Tri-state Area. When they uncover his ploy to travel back to their dimension to take over their Tri-state Area, the gang, as well as their alter-egos, must band together to stop him.
Don’t miss the “Perry the Platy-bus on Tour,” this summer!
Also, available this summer:
“Phineas and Ferb” is one of the few cartoon shows I really don’t mind watching with my boys, to be honest I look forward to watching it! Phineas and Ferb show that imagination and friends are important, and most important how fun summertime can be! We have seen most of the episodes on the Disney channel and I was excited to hear about the upcoming “Phineas and Ferb: Across the 1st and 2nd Dimensions” I was excited. It is a DVD where the boys go on their biggest journey yet, into a another dimension! While the DVD won’t be available until August 23, 2011, we will definitely be watching the show on Disney Channel. I was fortunate enough to receive an advance copy of this 87 minute DVD! I also got the chance to check out some other neat Phineas and Ferb merchandise including the soundtrack, band-aids, a mousepad, notepad, Kraft Mac-n-Cheese Phineas and Ferb style, a Ferb doll and more!
WATCH IT: Check out “Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension” on Friday, August 5th at 8:00 p.m., ET/PT, on Disney Channel and on Saturday, August 13 at 10 a.m., ET/PT!
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent these products for a Child’s Play Communications courtesy of Disney Channel in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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