Categories: Reviews

Mom Central Party #BlogHer12

Mom Central was my first party for BlogHer, actually two days pre-BlogHer. It was a few miles away and we were told the best (and cheapest) route would be to use the subway. So yes I rode the subway!

Me and Lisa:

Anyways, the Mom Central event was held at The Thompson hotel and was a cocktails and appetizers plus a few meet with the sponsors. The drinks were flowing, yummy appetizers were passed and we had a great time just mingling. There was four sponsors to chat with: 3M Screen Protectors, 3M Mobile Projectors, Zulily, and Scotch.

3M Screen Protectors has two new protectors available which are pretty amazing at how well they work! Fingerprints really disappeared – and as a mom with three kids constantly grabbing at the screen that is a nice feature!

3M Projectors are a small projector that you hook up to your iPhone. The quality is amazing and the portability is awesome!

Zuliy showed us some of their amazing companies they work with that include children’s clothes, toys, and housewares! I had no clue they had items other than kid’s clothes so it was nice to learn that. I have actually bought from Zulily before and had a positive experience so I do recommend them.

Finally we got to see the amazing crafts you can create with the new Scotch products. They have packing tape and Scotch tape that is in designer tape style. The crafts were so cute and stuff I would have never thought to make with tape such as birthday hats, stationary and more!

Overall, the night was fun and I am glad I got to party with Mom Central and meet some great bloggers!

My Swag:

Mom and More Disclosure: I attended an event with drinks and appetizers and received a swag bag.  Please see my Disclosure Policy.


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  • Looks like you received nice swag from Mom Central. I went to a movie media event a year ago and met Elizabeth from Mom Central. She was super sweet. I always enjoy working on campaigns with Mom Central.

  • How neat is that?! When I went back in 2010, I really didn't have the hookup for any of the brand parties so I really don't know what they're all about. It looks and sounds like it was a really nice time :)

    Is that a pair of black heels in the back of the swag picture?! *drools*

    • Actually the black heel is a Scotch tape dispenser! This was my first year I got a lot of invites, other years it was just a few.

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